Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tea Party rally in Washington to repeal ObamaCare, a mess so unworkable over 1300 waivers have already been given, even to McDonalds


Tea Party members and supporters stand in the rain in DC to draw attention to plan that might work in the Kingdom of Denmark and other tiny monarchies but is not right for America.

5/13/11, "HHS approves 200 more new healthcare reform waivers," The Hill, J. Pecquet

"The Obama administration approved 204 new waivers to Democrats' healthcare reform law over the past month, bringing the total to 1,372."...


McDonald's was going to stop its employee health plan in 2011. Obama gave them an ObamaCare waiver

5/6/11, "Were Obamacare Waivers Responsible for 25 percent of Private Sector Job Growth?," National Review, The Corner, Wesley Smith

"The good news is that the economy added about 268,000 new jobs. The bad news is that 25 percent (62,000) were from McDonald’s. That’s honorable and respectable work, of course. But consider this: Had the Obama administration not granted McD’s a waiver from having to abide by the law, it might not have added all those workers. And if the company had added the jobs anyway, they all would have been jobs without health insurance since the company was going to stop providing benefits without the waiver."


ObamaCare Chief says "I have no idea what waivers you're talking about"

3/9/12, "Senator Johnson asked her about the “1,200 to 1,700 waivers” that have been granted to give employers, particularly labor unions, temporary relief from parts of Obamacare. I’ve no idea what waivers you’re talking about,” Sebelius replied."...

"Sebelius: What Deficit? What Waivers?" National Review, G. Turner


Andrew Breitbart remembered at Tea Party ObamaCareRepeal rally 3/24/12

Below more of Tea Party rally in DC, 3/24/12, photo above and below from gateway pundit. Below singing American Heart.


Tea Party rally in DC, 3/24/12, including Breitbart poster


Another star of the Tea Party ObamaCare Repeal rally, 3/24/12 in DC, Sonnie Johnson. Andrew Breitbart loved her says gwp.

via gwp,

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