Friday, March 30, 2012

President Obama has proven himself to be a racist hatemonger and race hustler

3/29/12, "Barack Obama, Race Hustler," John Hinderaker. Powerline blog

"What about white victims of black murderers, in cases that have none of the ambiguity and complexity of the Trayvon Martin affair? Obama couldn’t care less about them, evidently because they present no opportunity to fire up his base in anticipation of November’s election. The families and friends of two English students who were wantonly murdered by a 17-year-old African American, also in Florida, have criticized Obama for his indifference"...

3/30/12, From Instapundit:

"JOHN HINDERAKER: “President Obama has fanned the flames of hatred in the Trayvon Martin case, and has not said a single critical word about the outrageous actions of the New Black Panthers, who offered a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman–the same New Black Panthers on whose behalf Eric Holder quashed a federal criminal prosecution; or of Spike Lee, who tweeted a wrong address for Zimmerman, presumably to facilitate harassment or even murder; or of the many liberals who have posted on the @killzimmerman Twitter feed; or of the many other Democrats and liberals who have indulged in an orgy of hate with respect to Mr. Zimmerman. President Obama’s interest in the victims of violence is selective: he cares if they look like the hypothetical son he doesn’t have.”

"In other words, he’s a racist hatemonger. Just to be clear. So much for hope and change." 3:18AM


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