Thursday, March 1, 2012

Occupy Rap Sheet of 417 arrests, crimes, endorsements thru Dec. 9, 2011

"Susan Sarandon said Tuesday that Occupy Wall Street was “ridiculed, demonized, simplified, and distorted by the media in most instances.”"

3/1/12, "*UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far," Big Government, John Nolte

"New commentary has been added. Original commentary can be found below the Rap Sheet.

Don’t let the MSM get away with lying to you. Obama and the Democrats are all on record endorsing, embracing, encouraging and emboldening #OccupyWallStreet.

Obama on Occupy Wall Street: ‘We Are on Their Side’

House Democrats Endorse Occupy Wall Street

Top Democrats Endorse Occupy Wall Street Protests

Pelosi Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement

The plan was a simple one. The path to Obama’s second term requires that enough voters forget that our current economic woes are the fault of a failed President who enjoyed two years of having every single item on his wish-list passed by Congress. And so the idea was to create Occupy in order to give the MSM the cover they desired to spend every single day up until the election talking about greed and income inequality in order to blame both for the stagnant economy.

The hope was that by repeating this message incessantly, enough voters could be convinced that Wall Street, and by extension, evil Republicans, were to blame for our chronic unemployment, record deficits, and stillborn economic growth. President Obama who?

Fortunately for America, this plan has not only failed miserably it has backfired completely. Thanks to the rise of New Media and our unwillingness to let the MSM’s lies, bias, and cover ups stand for even one more day, Occupy is in its death throes and might take the President and Democratic party down with it. First and foremost, we uncovered the lie that Occupy was grassroots and then we exposed every Occupy rape, poop, death, overdose, old woman thrown down the stairs, attack on a police officer, and public act of masturbation. In the process, public opinion turned against the Occupiers and as a result these Leftists have started doing what the Left always does when they lose … have a tantrum:

  1. NY: 10/1/2011 — Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge
  2. Madison, WI: 10-27-2011 — Madison Occupiers Lose Permit Due to Public Masturbation
  3. Phoenix: 10/28/2011 — Flier at Occupy Phoenix Asks, “When Should You Shoot a Cop?”
  4. NY: 10/18/2011 — Thieves Preying on Fellow Protesters
  5. NY: 10/9/2011 — Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters Accused of Living in Filth as Shocking Pictures Show One Demonstrator Defecating on a POLICE CAR
  6. NY: 10/7/2011 — Occupiers Rush PoliceMore
  7. Cleveland: 10/18/2011 — ‘Occupy Cleveland’ Protester Alleges She Was Raped
  8. NY: 10/10/2011 — ‘Increasingly Debauched’: Are Sex, Drugs & Poor Sanitation Eclipsing Occupy Wall Street?
  9. Seattle: 10/18/2011 — Man Accused of Exposing Self to Children Arrested
  10. 10/12/2011 — Iran Supports ‘Occupy Wall Street’
  11. Portland: 10/16/2011 –#OccupyPortland Protester Desecrates Memorial To U.S. War Dead
  12. Portland: 10/15/2011 — #OccupyPortland Protesters Sing “F*** The USA”
  13. Chicago: 10/17/2011 — COMMUNIST LEADER Cheered at Occupy Chicago
  14. 10/15/2011 — American Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street‘s ’Courage,‘ Tells Members to Support Protests and Fight ’Judeo-Capitalist Banksters’
  15. Boston: 10/14/2011 — Coast Guard member spit on near Occupy Boston tents
  16. Boston: 10/11/2011 — Boston Police Arrest Over 100 from Occupy Boston"....(417 at link)


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