Monday, March 26, 2012

National Review's Rich Lowry praises Al Sharpton, Panthers, Mr. Buckley turns over in his grave-Schlussel

3/26/12, "Trayvon Martin VIDEO: Natl Review’s Rich Lowry Praises Al Sharpton, Panthers; Calls for Zimmerman Prosecution," Debbie Schlussel

"I hesitated regarding posting the video, below, of this past weekend’s “McLaughlin Group.” The video, at the time I write this has only 440 views on Youtube, and no one watches that show, starring uber-liberal Eleanor Clift, Jew-hater Pat Buchanan, and pro-Muslim creep Rich Lowry....Still, I felt it was important for you to see how Rich Lowry praised “Al Sharpton and that whole crew,” a/k/a the Black Panthers for building a fictional, one-sided race-baiting media story about Trayvon Martin. I thought you should also see how this faux-”conservative,” despite knowing that Martin broke George Zimmerman’s nose and gashed his head, called for him to be prosecuted. The segment begins at 11:29 into the video and the Lowry segments are from 16:17-16:50 (attacking Zimmerman and calling for him to be prosecuted), 19:04-19:18 (praising Sharpton and the Black Panthers), and 22:09 (saying that Zimmerman didn’t act in self-defense and other stupidity).

Lowry’s not a conservative. Just an a-hole. I’ve known that for years (starting with when he removed my NRO article about Al-Qaeda supporter Suhail Khan working in the Bush White House–admitting that everything I wrote about Khan and his Al-Qaeda fundraiser dad, Mahboob, was true, but that it’s a “smear” (Rich is so dumb he doesn’t know a smear is false by definition) and saying that I would be banned by NRO at Khan’s and the Bush White House’s request). Now, you know for yourself what a cretinous fraud Lowry is.

Fraud Rich Lowry Rides the “Racism!” Train

William F. Buckley is turning over in his grave regarding the liberal fraud that took over his once-great magazine and turned it to crap.

[By the way, the Black liberal chick in the video, Michelle Bernard, was for years parading as a conservative and her BS was funded by the Independent Women's Forum, a faux-conservative group. Then, she went to MSNBC and made the transformation into what she really is: an unabashed, self-righteous liberal.]" (video at link)


Among comments


"I agree everything you wrote here. Rich Lowry pushed for the government bailout of the banks in 2008 and he’s been as much of a fraud on capitalism as on anything else.

And under his stewardship, he ran a once great conservative publication straight into the ground. Are there any intelligent conservatives left?

Apart from you, I would say that’s a very good question indeed.

NormanF on March 26, 2012 at 3:45 pm"


How about Mark Levin?

FrankG on March 26, 2012 at 3:47 pm



NormanF on March 26, 2012 at 3:50 pm


Andrew McCarthy is another big NR contributor who adamantly refuses to discuss Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan, despite having written a book about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration. Got to wonder why Mark Steyn still posts there, as well.

adam on March 26, 2012 at 3:47 pm


A real conservative movement, if it emerges now, will have to develop from outside the current bureaucratic establishment.

Little Al on March 26, 2012 at 4:23 pm


The main point is that conservatives are often to quick to over look some very gross flaws and embrace people who claim to be conservative. This overly welcoming attitude to those who have flash and dash has predictable consequences.

Worry01 on March 26, 2012 at 4:53 pm


That’s why I never doubt DS (Debbie Schlussel). I may not like it when she tells us who is scum but I just wait and I can ALWAYS see there is truth in what she says. Just wait and she WILL be proven true. I don’t doubt her easily at all! The track record speaks for itself!

Skunky on March 26, 2012 at 5:56 pm


Ed. note, Headline on NY Post web page the other day to the effect, "Rich Lowry: Al Sharpton was right." I wouldn't waste my time reading or linking to it but the headline suggests the same treatment Ms. Schlussel observed from Lowry on tv.


List of Suhail Khan videos. In at least one of them Khan breaks down in tears talking about his devotion to Islam. Khan is a major figure in CPAC now.

1. "Suhail Khan receives award from top Al-Qaeda fundraiser Alamoudi on behalf of Al-Qaeda front" length, 6:23

2. "Suhail Khan praises terrorists at 1999 ISNA conference" length, 16:10

3. "Suhail Khan shares podium with PIJ terrorist leader Sami al-Arian, terrorist supporter Jamal Barzinji" length, 9:36

4. "Alamoudi denounced as terrorist by Arlen Specter - one day before Suhail Khan receives Alamoudi's award" length, 14:25

10/5/11, "Grover Norquist’s Islamic Supremacist Chickens Come Home to Roost,"


2/27/10, "Updated: CA-Sen: Tom Campbell, Sami al-Arian and Political Access," Flapsblog


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