Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Major media will simply ignore latest evidence that CO2 is not warming the planet

"It's too heavily invested in its story and the goal — stronger government, weaker capitalism and diminished liberty — that it's been zealously working toward.""

3/27/12, "Medieval Warming Period Cools Climate Change Alarmism," IBD editorial

"Climate change alarmists either ignore the existence of the Medieval Warm Period or say that it was regional rather than global. A new report, however, shows that the warming was worldwide.

The Medieval Warm Period is a profound problem for those who claim that man's 20th- and 21st-century carbon dioxide emissions are warming the earth.

If an era as warm or warmer than today did indeed exist 500 to 1,000 years ago, before man had invented the CO2-emitting internal combustion engine, then it weakens their claim that any warming occurring now is due to human activity. The reality of such a period is a strong sign that climate change is both natural and cyclical, not moved by man's modern habits.

In fact, confirmation of the Medieval Warm Period not only dilutes the alarmists' argument,

  • it virtually kills it.

So rather than deal with it, they act as if it never happened. They want to try to make it, as one message among the Climate-gate emails suggested, "go away."

Or they insist that it was confined to Europe and maybe North America, and therefore is of little relevance. This is the position of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is supported by America's Environmental Protection Agency that says the "geographical extent, magnitude and timing of the warmth during this period is uncertain."

It's also the position of Al Gore, the former vice president who set off most of the global warming hysteria.

He has maligned the Medieval Warm Period as a "tiny" blip on the temperature chart of history that he imagines proves the nonsense that he's been disgorging for years.

Scientists from Syracuse University, however, have found evidence that strongly affirms that the Medieval Warm Period was no myth

  • but rather a global event,
  • affecting even Antarctica.

Their study, published in the April issue of Earth and Planetary Science Letters, carries the academic title of "An Ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula."

Journalists shouldn't let the wonkish title stop them from reporting on the study. And they probably won't.

Instead, the bulk of the mainstream media will conveniently miss the study for another reason:

  • It doesn't fit
  • their man-is-causing-the-earth-to-warm narrative."...


Ed. note: Mitt Romney is not exactly Al Gore but he's a big reason for this crime against humanity. If and when he's elected--he will be if he wants it badly enough but he seems to be McCain's twin--he will have to be dealt with on this.


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