Thursday, March 22, 2012

Limbaugh protesters read from script they were sent, said exactly same words says radio station mgr., for 2 weeks not one listener complained

Vermont radio station owner said they had not one listener complaint about Limbaugh for 2 weeks after the comments, only started after activists got involved, read from script, some obviously never listened to the station. University president reminds faculty of freedom of expression they enjoy via tenure. Activists even bullied local advertisers, says station mgr.

3/20/12, "UVM to continue airing sports on Rush Limbaugh station," Burlington Free Press, Mike Donoghue

"While some members of the University of Vermont deplore recent controversial comments by national radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, the institution won’t break an athletic contract with local station WVMT-AM, Interim President John Bramley said Tuesday.

Two faculty groups asked Bramley last week to break UVM’s ties with the Colchester radio station after it aired comments and name-calling by Limbaugh about a Georgetown University law student testifying before Congress. She wanted access to birth control under the school’s health insurance plan.

The UVM groups – the Faculty Senate [the president of which had never listened to Limbaugh's show as stated below, ed.] and the Faculty Women’s Caucus — believe the contract with WVMT to air men’s ice hockey and women’s basketball games gives the educational institution a bad image — guilt by association.

Bramley said that while he heard the concerns from the UVM community about Limbaugh’s comments, he also heard from other constituencies “asserting contrary viewpoints” and urging the university to honor its written contract with WVMT.

We are a university and believe that the protection of free speech, however controversial or offensive, is important,” Bramley wrote.

Indeed free speech and the right to express controversial ideas is the very basis of the tenure enjoyed by many of the faculty who are making the proposal,” Bramley wrote.

WVMT President and General Manager Paul Goldman, who said he, too, was distressed by Limbaugh’s comments, said he was pleased that Bramley understood the big picture.

“It is totally what I expected. I thought it was well said. There is not much more to say,” Goldman said about the three-page letter. He said Bramley put a lot of thought and research into the issue.

Goldman said the station received no complaints for two weeks after the comments were made by Limbaugh, who hosts the most listened-to talk show in the country. WVMT began to receive calls once the UVM groups went public with the issue in Saturday’s Free Press, Goldman said.

“When Rush said these terrible things we did not get one phone call, one email. They did not hear it. They read about it,” he said about the protest.

He said somebody sent an email with a script telling protesters what to say.

Many of them said the exact same words,” he said.

As station owner, Goldman said he heard from almost 30 people objecting to Limbaugh’s remarks, but he also got a similar number from those believing in the right of free speech.

He said WVMT’s local morning drive-time show, “Charlie, Ernie and Lisa” has received a large number of calls this week and expects more. The show airs weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m.

Goldman said he took exception to claims by protesters that WVMT markets itself as the “Voice of UVM Sports.” He said the station uses the phrase “Home of UVM hockey or basketball.”...

Goldman said it was clear to him the complainants have not listened to WVMT.

“They are not consumers,” he said.

Roberts, as head of the faculty senate, acknowledged that she has never tuned into the Limbaugh show that airs from noon to 3 p.m. weekdays on WVMT.

“I’ve heard clips,” said Roberts, a linguistics professor.

She said she hopes there can be an alternative when the contract runs out with WVMT....

Bramley said UVM’s participation in America East and Hockey East conferences mandate local broadcast contracts. He said there are few stations with the capacity and interest in airing games.

Goldman said people are free to change the station. He said there are about 30 AM and FM stations in the Burlington market."


BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY: Billionaire funded Media Matters for America

1/26/12, "Media Matters: The Unpaid Research Department of Politico," Big Journalism, John Nolte

"Whether they choose to acknowledge it or not, everyone in media understands what Media Matters for America (MMfA) is really about.

MMfA is an online group of modern-day book burners, a tax-exempt gang of bullies and propagandists dedicated to snuffing out conservative political opinion from the national discourse. To accomplish that goal, the George Soros-funded organization uses boycotts, intimidation, and the like.

Another of Media Matters’ obvious goals is to affect the mainstream media’s political narrative using these same tactics. Any story that might damage the left is immediately targeted by MMfA, using outright lies and half-truths.

The bottom line is that Media Matters is not dedicated to correcting or clarifying or illuminating truth; they’re dedicated to a left-wing political agenda which they intend to achieve


Eliminationists trying to silence free speech-- but in any case Limbaugh's-- in North Carolina, via Dave Kohl:

3/27/12, "Time To Play Ball - But Not To Air It," The Broadcast Booth, Dave Kohl

"CHAPEL HILL: The story about the Vermont station that carries the University of Vermont sports that some university officials were not happy with (as written about last week) because the station also airs Rush Limbaugh was not just a crazed Vermont story after all. Same stuff, different day, in Chapel Hill with WRDU 106.1, which is the flagship station of the Tar Heel Sports Network. WRDU happens to also air the Rush Limbaugh show.

It shows you the power of these universities over the media these days. It seems that University of North Carolina officials have been granted their request for the station to not promote Limbaugh's show during Tar Heels broadcasts, or to promote the UNC broadcasts during the Rush Limbaugh show. Personally, I didn't agree with or understand Limbaugh's controversial comments either. However, the listeners should merely be able to "vote" by not listening, which would give the stations that carry his show reasons to take it off the air. It is even more disgusting to see University and city officials get upset with "programs the station associates with", especially when it is due to opinions expressed on a show not originated by the local station.

Here's hoping that WRDU management starts making requests about University policy it disagrees with."


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