Monday, March 26, 2012

The Left no longer finds dissent patriotic but Workforce Fairness is not intimidated

It is impossible to imagine the 2003 Hillary Clinton rant being made today by a right of center person without the person being detained or at least reported to police.

3/26/12, "The Left No Longer Finds Dissent Patriotic," Erick Erickson,

"Workforce Fairness is releasing a series of videos chronicling left-wing intimidation, including showing up at people’s houses to harass them and their families. We’re pleased to debut the first of the videos here at RedState. The videos document a growing trend in American civic discourse — the use of intimidation against private citizens to punish dissent.

Listen to Media Matters For America and other outlets on the left and they claim they are outraged at Rush Limbaugh for using the word “slut.”

They’re OK with it when the left does it. Routinely, conservative activists are targeted for harassment, subject to degrading comments, etc. from the left and they are okay with that. Bill Maher gets invited to keynote Democratic dinners....

The only time anyone wants to shut down opposing views is when the opposing views are winning. And that is the left’s problem. Rush Limbaugh, the free market, the right to work states, etc. are all winning. And it is not just that the right is winning, the left is losing.

David Brock of Media Matters, for example, took the desperate act of spending $850,000.00 to buy his ex-boyfriend’s silence about Media Matters. He only spent $100,000.00 to try to silence Rush Limbaugh, by comparison. Media Matters has been subjected to two months of revelations that raise questions about their tax exempt status and coordination with the Democratic Party.

But it is not just Media Matters. It is unions too.

Like Media Matters, the unions are threatening and bullying businesses. They are threatening private citizens. Threatening the livelihood of businesses and individuals, unions, Media Matters, and the left are intending to shut down the opposition through fear of a loss of livelihood.

What is most appalling to me, however, is how the right has failed to counter this bullying with an aggressive adverttising campaign showing what is happening — showing the gay rights protestors in California targeting donors to the Proposition 8 campaign, showing Media Matters targeting businesses that support free speech, showing unions targeting small businesses that won’t give in to union demands, showing union thugs showing up at the private residences of individuals to silence and intimidate them, etc.

That may be changing. Workforce Fairness is releasing a series of videos chronicling left-wing intimidation, including showing up at people’s houses to harass them and their families. We’re pleased to debut the first of the videos here at RedState."


Ed. note: The left stopped screaming for tolerance and freedom of speech a few years ago. "Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant and then tries to silence good." They preached until they controlled everything and now have a "new found intolerance for opposing views." They honestly believe we should be silent. Not a word.

Breitbart knew what they had done, that it was a takeover of our entire culture. Using the race card all the time is their best weapon. It beats down innocent right of center Americans, emboldens black attacks on whites, and breaks the country. The result is what they perceive as utopia, the eradication of the annoying middle class, leaving just 2 classes, the lower class and the ruling class (including the rich, politicians, and academics). The Occupy movement helps this--it takes all the pressure off politicians which is where all of it belongs.


3/21/12, "UVM Refuses To Drop Sports Radio Station Over Limbaugh Flap," Vermont Public Radio
3/20/12, "UVM to continue airing sports on Rush Limbaugh station," Burlington Free Press, Mike Donoghue
4/1/10, "The Obama Coalition," The Atlantic, T. B. Edsall


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