Thursday, March 22, 2012

'Kill Rush Limbaugh' now running on You Tube and Facebook

3/22/12, "Now Playing on YouTube and Facebook: 'Kill Rush Limbaugh',", John Nolte

Above image of album Detente from Amazon selling the single, "Kill Rush"

"Any sacred cow whines to YouTube and Facebook and as a result, whatever the sacred cow is whining about is immediately taken down.

But a song that openly calls for the killing of Rush Limbaugh apparently doesn't offend YouTube or Facebook, in the least.

Disgusted by Rush Limbaugh's recent antics? Blast our song, 'KILL RUSH'

Just don't call anyone a "slut.""


BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY: Media Matters for America

1/26/12, "Media Matters: The Unpaid Research Department of Politico," Big Journalism, John Nolte

"Whether they choose to acknowledge it or not, everyone in media understands what Media Matters for America (MMfA) is really about.

MMfA is an online group of modern-day book burners, a tax-exempt gang of bullies and propagandists dedicated to snuffing out conservative political opinion from the national discourse. To accomplish that goal, the George Soros-funded organization uses boycotts, intimidation, and the like.

Another of Media Matters’ obvious goals is to affect the mainstream media’s political narrative using these same tactics. Any story that might damage the left is immediately targeted by MMfA, using outright lies and half-truths.

The bottom line is that Media Matters is not dedicated to correcting or clarifying or illuminating truth; they’re dedicated to a left-wing political agenda which they intend to achieve


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