Friday, March 30, 2012

'The Hill' reporter sounds more like a Daily Kos blogger, says GOP trying to 'steal Hispanics' from Dems., forgets G. Bush was pro-Amnesty

Establishment Republicans (the crowd behind the 'stealing') have been pro-Amnesty for a long time. Rubio=Bush crony=Romney=Amnesty. 'Professionals' of both political parties want completely open borders, no questions asked.

3/27/12, "Republicans seeking out Hispanics," The Hill, Alexander Bolton

"Senate Republicans want to alter DREAM Act legislation to steal away Hispanic voters from Democrats.

Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), the only Senate Republican of Hispanic heritage and a possible vice presidential pick, is working on an alternative version of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who came to the country at a young age and serve in the military or attend college.

He declined to provide any details, but confirmed he hopes to have legislation soon.

I don’t have any specifics to announce yet,” said Rubio. “This stuff has to be done responsibly. We’re working toward that and hopefully very soon.”

Sens. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) are also working on a bill, although its details are being kept secret, according to congressional sources. Senate sources expect it to be unveiled after GOP front-runner Mitt Romney has clinched the presidential nomination.

A spokeswoman for Hutchison declined to comment, while a spokesman for Kyl did not respond to several requests for comment.

The efforts have unnerved Democratic leaders, who are watching warily — Democrats see their advantage over Republicans among Hispanic voters as one of the party’s greatest strengths in November.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) highlighted the worries when he warned Hispanic business leaders last week to not buy into GOP efforts on immigration and other issues ahead of the election. "...


Ed. note: OH BOY! Kay Bailey Hutchison the has-been, Bush crony is in on it. Via Florida friends who deserved better but with the establishment GOP can forget it. It's nice Rubio was elected but he's a Class A Bush crowd sell out, ie America Last. We're in for a replay of the McCain candidacy in which the Silent Majority is told to shut up and sit down. Millions of people who have sat politely for decades doing everything right while watching in horror as these crooks sold the country out are about to be told once again to shut up and sit down. Well now.


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