Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Exec. says SEIU and Occupy can put millions in the street to redistribute wealth 'like Frances (Fox Piven) talks about'

3/19/12, "SEIU Admits Using Occupy For Redistributing Wealth And Power," Breitbart TV

"STEPHEN LERNER SEIU EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER AND LABOR ORGANIZER: "You know, I think that’s the moment we’re in that’s so exciting. In California yesterday, a community group, ACCE, and the longshoremen reoccupied the home of a longshoreman that had been evicted from his home. I think we’re at that sweet spot where we don’t need to worry about co-opt—well, we should always worry about co-option—where the issue isn’t co-option, labor or Occupy or community groups. It’s the moment where we can come together and put millions of people in the street. It’s a moment where we can come together and talk about shutting down shareholder meetings where people don’t have a voice. I think there’s never been a more exciting time in my 30 years of organizing to imagine building the kind of movement that can transform the country, that can really talk about redistributing wealth and power. And there’s never a better time to get involved. I think the key thing we have to do is—there’s not one tactic, there’s not one thing folks should do; it’s the combination of many threads of work that will build this up to be the kind of movement that Frances* talks about that changes this country for—changes this country in a historic and wonderful way.""


*Ed. note: "Frances" is likely Frances Fox Piven.

Frances Fox Piven:

"By crisis, we mean a publicly visible disruption...that could lead to legislation for a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty."...

"If this strategy were implemented, a political crisis would result that could lead to legislation for a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty."...

5/2/1966, "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty," The Nation, by Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward


1/23/11, "How dare you publicize my call for violence? It might provoke violence against me (Frances Fox Piven)!" American Thinker, Thomas Lifson

Piven expressed " her desire to see Greek-style riots (remember, there were deaths in these riots) in the United States."...

"Yet another example of the leftist double-standard at work. Accurate reporting (which contained absolutely no call for violence) on Fox-Piven's explicit call for violence is demonized, while
  • the person hoping for violence is canonized as a victim.
The left cannot withstand scrutiny on this. Only an academic could believe reasoning this convoluted."...

Frances Fox Piven says the homeless are a positive addition to Occupy, the more the better:

12/14/11, "A Proud, Angry Poor," Frances Fox Piven, The Nation

"Still, the movement has to respond to the police sweeps of its encampments by becoming broader and more hard-hitting. It has to firmly include the vast number of people who have been marginalized by the rhetoric of American politics and by the realities of the American economy. In many places the homeless have joined the encampments. That is a beginning. But it’s not enough. To fully realize an ethic of inclusion, the poorest and most benighted Americans should become part of our protest movement. We need to increase their numbers at our demonstrations, and we need to undertake the protest actions that deal with their most urgent needs—including the attacks on the social safety net that hit them hardest."


12/14/11, "Occupy and the tasks of Socialists," by Pham Binh, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

"Red and Blue

"Our task is to overcome the police as a repressive force, to neutralise them"...


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