Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crushing blow to organized left, Sheyman loses in Illinois. On the flip side, GOP establishment gets a win, a jerk who faked out the Tea Party

3/20/12, "Sheyman concedes to Schneider," Politico

UTICA, Ill., "Ilya Sheyman has called Brad Schneider to concede the Democratic primary in Illinois' 10th District Congressional, a source tells POLITICO.

Sheyman, a baby-faced 25-year-old former community organizer, trailed Schneider by 8 points with 99 percent of precincts reporting.

His loss is a crushing blow to the organized professional left, which poured substantial resources into the primary, making it a national priority for the movement.

A poll by Public Policy Polling last week showed Sheyman with a double-digit lead, so the margin is one of most stunning outcomes of the night.

Schneider, a favorite of the Washington establishment, will go on to face GOP Rep. Robert Dold in the fall in what's expected to be one of the most competitive House races in the country."


GOP slime wins.

3/20/12, "It's Kinzinger," Politico, Catanese

UTICA, Ill.,"The freshman has toppled the 'Mad Dog.'

Adam Kinzinger, the 34-year-old former Navy pilot and rising star in Republican ranks, has defeated ten-term Rep. Don Manzullo in the 16th District GOP primary."


Unfortunately Kinzinger, a former military guy but a fake, won

3/9/12, "Conservatives Should Mobilize to Help Don Manzullo Against Adam Kinzinger in Illinois," Erick Erickson,

Commenter says never assume military guys are conservatives. Often they're progressives as is Kinzinger:

"Military Progressives

downstateray Tuesday, March 13th at 7:15AM EDT (link)

You have to be very careful when you assume that a candidate with a military background is going to be ‘conservative’. Actually when you look around the yard, you will find that most military candidates have a decided progressive streak. I premise that this has been drilled into them in their long years of service. Political correctness is a must for promotion in the military. And without big government there is no military industrial complex. There is no end to ‘doing good’ for the ‘little people’ that cant fight for themselves. Think about it."

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