Sunday, March 25, 2012

Boy burned in racial attack doesn't look like Obama's ficticious son so doesn't rate White House Rose Garden lecture to all Americans

Update: Obama Campaign (OFA) tweets today 3/26 about a good deal on their hoodie:

"Let everyone know whose team you’re on for 2012 with today’s merchandise steal: the college-style hooded sweatshirt. OFA.BO/QXiDgb", via Weasel Zippers

OFA store website, grey hoodie: "Regular price: $50, Get it now for: $40"

Added for context:

"“Beat Whitey Night” a Smashing Success at Iowa State Fair"

"Just a little news item you won’t be hearing much about from the Lame Stream Media: Beat Whitey Night at the Iowa State Fair"

  • Point ‘em Out. Knock ‘em Out in Burlington, Iowa, by Sherry TomfeldAssociated Content


8/8/11, "Lessons from a Milwaukee Mob," American Thinker, John F. Di Leo

"On August 4, 2011, the opening night of the Wisconsin State Fair, the worst race riot in Wisconsin history occurred. As darkness fell over the amusement park area known as the Midway before closing time, hundreds of young blacks swarmed out into the parking lot, seeking out white fairgoers to attack -- pulling people off their bikes, out of their cars, to knock them to the ground and beat them: with fists and whatever blunt instruments they had handy."...


3/23/12, "Obama: "If I Had A Son He'd Look Like Trayvon"All of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how does something like this happen…”"...If the NY Times labels Zimmerman "a white Hispanic, " (3rd parag.), how do they not label Obama "a white black"?

3/24/12, "Boy Burned in Racial Attack (But he doesn’t look like Obama’s fictitious son, so nevermind)," by IronDioPriest,

"Is this man the President of every American boy? Or is he just the President of Black boys?

Early March in Kansas City Missouri, a 13 year old White boy was chased to his doorstep by two Black boys, who doused him with gasoline and lit him on fire, while yelling, “This is what you deserve, White boy.”

Unlike the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin situation, this attempted immolation of a 13 year old boy was CLEARLY motivated by racism on the part of the criminals.

Yet, this horrific story disappears down the memory-hole as soon as the media can dispense with it. The race-baiters have nothing to say about the racism involved. Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, and Obama have nothing to say. No teachable moments here, apparently.

Right Mr. Obama? No wisdom for you to dispense using this Black-on-White hate crime as a convenient backdrop?

I guess when victims “look like” your fictitious son, you must rise to the occasion use them to serve your Leftist aspirations. But when victims look like my sons, you have nothing to say.

Mr. Obama, you sir, are a blatant racist. If you’re going to continue to divide Americans along whatever lines you can find to divide, so be it. But I’m finished pretending that you are a well-intentioned ideologue.

Jackson, Sharpton, and Farrakhan have their man in the White House."


Among comments


"Outta meme

redwood Saturday, March 24th at 12:45PM EDT

DOJ Holder says blacks cannot commit race crimes or hate crimes.
On the other hand a white Hispanic with a Jewish sounding surname surely is the guilty party.


I'm uncomfortable with the argument here.

Viet71 (Diary) Saturday, March 24th at 2:54PM EDT (link)

Is one racially based crime justification for anything?

Obama and a slew of other Leftists are hypocrites on race and many other matters. I say call them on their hypocrisy but avoid doing so by saying, “blacks do it too.”


The point isn't...

IronDioPriest (Diary) Saturday, March 24th at 2:59PM EDT (link)

…that Blacks do it too. The point is that the President only sees fit to insert himself into divisive situations when the divisiveness can be leveraged in favor of his agenda, and that he does so in a way so as to maximize the divisive effect.

That point cannot be made without highlighting an example of the President doing exactly that. I chose the most recent one that springs to mind.


I have a question...really [about media calling Zimmerman a "White-Hispanic," eg, NY Times, 3/22, "Mr. Zimmerman, 28, a white Hispanic,"...3rd paragr.]

Saturday, March 24th at 3:28PM EDT (link)

I am not trying to get a particular race mad…I am asking a question.
Should we call Obama the White Negro? or the White Black?

While the shooting of ANY race for racial reasons is WRONG…why do we have to put in these little details that only go to further the divide in this country.

This country was healing from the racial divide and then came Obama…the uniter…but exactly what did he unite? The communists? The Blacks? The Poor? The Unions? The Teachers? Academia? Hollywood?...

The emphasis on this case is over played for a reason. Just like the policeman in Boston…Obama cannot keep his influence out of this. This is something for the state’s attorney to charge this boy with, if he is guilty. Can you imagine trying to sit on a jury where the POTUS has all but condemned the boy? No impartial jury there. If they find him innocent…it’s Rodney King all over again.

Again…we have laws…and Obama does not seem to care about ANY OF THEM.


I don't disagree with your assessment of Obama but do not want to be drawn down his level.

Viet71 (Diary) Saturday, March 24th at 4:49PM EDT (link)

He’s a dirtbag pol and has had plenty of company.

Throwing a racially based incident up against him isn’t a winning hand.

The winning hand is to beat him at the polls, which means being discrete and circumspect on the use of racial crimes for political purposes. Obama will always win that game. Republicans need to be smarter.


You don't get it

drivlikejehu Saturday, March 24th at 7:36PM EDT (link)

This is a problem with real-world consequences. Demonizing whites results in increased race-based violence… which is happening across the country. Little gets reported by the media.

Racially motivated black violence against whites shouldn’t be swept under the rug- and it certainly shouldn’t be encouraged further. Pretending it’s not a problem doesn’t help either.


I'll try to reiterate one more time Viet

IronDioPriest (Diary) Saturday, March 24th at 8:41PM EDT (link)

I’m not throwing a racially based incident up against Obama. I am holding him accountable to the very standard he sets when he inserts himself into these situations for political gain.

I am highlighting with examples how he treats Blacks and White differently – how he seeks to attach racial components to incidents when it make Blacks the victim, and how he never ever does so when the victims are White.

This is not a post about “Blacks do it too”. This is a post about our cynical President, and his full embrace of the politics of division, particularly division by race, particularly between Black and White Americans.

You want him defeated at the polls? Then this is one aspect of the man’s character that needs to be honestly and fully discussed, without fear of being labeled a racist for daring to address it honestly. That is what I’m attempting to do.


Glad you posted this

dsimk Saturday, March 24th at 4:02PM EDT (link)

I’m the dad of a multi-racial family. It’s too bad that the Left thinks only protests are what constitute racial reconciliation. Yes, I think the NACCP KC chapter or the Urban League, etc should have shown support to the family of the 13 yr old boy.


I'm the dad of a multi-racial family as well,

IronDioPriest (Diary) Saturday, March 24th at 4:10PM EDT (link)

via adoption. I cannot imagine teaching my children to view their interface with the world through the lens of skin color or ethnicity, no matter how desperately the Left works to make it so, or how obvious the differences in their skin or heritage from mine.

We are kin, and inseparable because of it. Our differences in skin or ethnicity are as meaningless as our preferences for broccoli over asparagus or vice-versa.

The Leftist incessant divisiveness over race is pure, unmitigated evil. It is as evil as slavery, and just as damaging."


More on the 13 year old white boy who was followed home by two black boys who poured gasoline on him, set him on fire, saying "you get what you deserve, white boy":

Update #2, 3/7/12, "Was Boy in K.C. Fire Attack a Victim of His School's Racist Teaching?" American Thinker, S. Duke


The article doesn't mention the 13 year old victim and his parents are white but that was seen in a local tv report. The mother said police told her it was a hate crime but media aren't interested in helping the community by finding out what kind of hate crime it was perhaps preventing another child from being set on fire.

2/28/12, "Boy Set on Fire by Teens in East Side Neighborhood,", Eric Burke

Kansas City, Mo. — "A 13-year-old spent some time in the emergency room on Tuesday night as a result of being burned. The boy was set on fire by a couple of older teens.


3/1/12, "The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name," American Thinker, Jack Cashill

"Without the mother's reference to the hate crime, the viewer/ reader would have no sense that the attackers were likely of another, unspecified race.

Not surprisingly, the racially squeamish Kansas City Star did not include this story in the "Start Smart 10 hot topics" it sent out on Thursday morning. Nor could I find it among the 50 or so stories posted on the front page of its web site, several of which had to do with fires, like "KC Man accused of setting fire to friend's Habitat House." Of course, had the victim been a racial minority or gay, this would have been headline news locally or even nationally....

Eager for change, many of my old neighbors voted for Barack Obama. They hoped that the unspoken divisions would mend. Alas, they have not. The discourse has grown more dishonest, the accusers more shrill, and "hope" has gone out the window."...


3/23/12, Obama if you had a son he'd also look like the gay black teen who was attacked by a black teen mob in Atlanta in February. Why didn't you mention him in a White House Rose Garden setting in which you instructed all Americans they should do "some soul searching?"

2/6/12, "Atlanta Street Gang Members Videotaped Brutal Hate Crime Attack On "Faggot"," The Smoking Gun, with video


“Remember Obama saying about Major Hasan [how] we shouldn’t jump to judgement?”

Ed. note: Please excuse bright white patches behind parts of this post. It's done by a hacker, one of several ways he/she/it has been altering my blogs for a few years now.

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