Tuesday, March 27, 2012

BBC radio spreads Obama message of hate against America via ACLU spokesman, says need 'to examine darker side of American psyche'

3/23/12, "Obama: "If I Had A Son He'd Look Like Trayvon" All of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how does something like this happen…”", BuzzFeed

3/27/12, Obama message of hate and division against America spreads around the world via BBC radio and interview with ACLU spokesman

BBC Radio ran an interview with an American named Baylor Johnson representing "the ACLU in Florida" discussing the Trayvon Martin case. Mr. Johnson told the BBC interviewer that it was "a fact" that Sanford, Florida police did not do their job correctly. Beyond that, Johnson's message was that it was a case about race and that it was time once and for all to get to the bottom of America's problem with race. The BBC interviewer suggested that since the case hadn't been adjudicated yet among other things the timing wasn't quite right for such a campaign. Johnson said, no, this was the time to do it
  • "to examine the darker side of the American psyche."

The interview ran sometime within 2:06AM-2:22AM, New York time, Eastern Daylight time, Tuesday, March 27, 2012. I heard the last minute or two.


This is all I found on this topic associated with the name Baylor Johnson:

Radaronline on Baylor Johnson:

3/23/12, "Trayvon Martin Police Investigation Shows Racial Bias Says Civil Rights Group," Radaronline, Debbie Emery

"The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) believes that the outpouring of support shows the deep impact of the shocking case.

“It was inspiring to see so many people out calling for justice, but given the gravity of the issues involved, we weren’t surprised by the responce,” Baylor Johnson, spokesperson for the ACLU of Florida, told RadarOnline.com in an exclusive interview.

This is an issue that has been under the surface for so long and it is sad that this kind of tragedy has to happen for us to have a serious conversation about race in America.

“In order to understand why so many people from Sanford across Florida and across the country came out, we have to look at how we got here,” he went on to explain.

There is a tragic hateful history of crimes with clear and undeniable racial motives that have been overlooked or swept under the rug.

“It is clear to us that when the police chief said there was no reason to dispute George Zimmerman’s claim that he was acting in self defense that he had already made his mind up about the matter,” Johnson told RadarOnline.com."


Obama condemns Americans for killing what could have been his son.

3/23/12, "Obama: "If I Had A Son He'd Look Like Trayvon" All of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how does something like this happen…”", BuzzFeed

How dare Obama lecture me and the rest of America? How does he think he got to be standing in the Rose Garden today and is a multi-millionaire set for life? Americans voted for him, foolishly thinking he'd symbolize a 'post-racial' America. And look how he repaid them. Crime and killing happen every day unfortunately, among all races by all races. Obama chooses a rare Rose Garden setting, a serious and special American place, to lecture, condemn, incite hatred, and give red meat to hate media around the world. He blames innocent Americans for a killing he himself doesn't know the details about. He says I should do some "soul searching," along with the rest of America. He tells the world that Americans are so rotten to the core they facilitated killing a child that could have been his son.

3/23/12, Obama if you had a son he'd also look like the gay black teen who was attacked by a black teen mob in Atlanta in February. Why didn't you mention him in a White House Rose Garden setting in which you instructed all Americans they should do "some soul searching?"

2/6/12, "Atlanta Street Gang Members Videotaped Brutal Hate Crime Attack On "Faggot"," The Smoking Gun, with video


8/24/10, "“Beat Whitey Night” a Smashing Success at Iowa State Fair"

"Just a little news item you won’t be hearing much about from the Lame Stream Media: Beat Whitey Night at the Iowa State Fair"

  • Point ‘em Out. Knock ‘em Out in Burlington, Iowa, by Sherry TomfeldAssociated Content


8/8/11, "Lessons from a Milwaukee Mob," American Thinker, John F. Di Leo

"On August 4, 2011, the opening night of the Wisconsin State Fair, the worst race riot in Wisconsin history occurred. As darkness fell over the amusement park area known as the Midway before closing time, hundreds of young blacks swarmed out into the parking lot, seeking out white fairgoers to attack -- pulling people off their bikes, out of their cars, to knock them to the ground and beat them: with fists and whatever blunt instruments they had handy."...


“Remember Obama saying about Major Hasan [the Muslim who slaughtered 13 unarmed US Army members and wounded others in 2009] [how]


3/11/11, "Ten years later: Black-on-black violent crime rate rises," WCPO.com, Cincinnati, O'Rourke

"In 1920, 90 percent of black families had a father in the house. In 1960, 80 percent of black families had a father in the house. In 2011, it's only 30 percent. Three out of 10."...

Statistics show, learning to read at an early age is important. But the fourth grade year is crucial and can literally keep a person out of prison....

"In fact, statistics show two thirds of children who don't read at grade level at the end of the fourth grade will either end up in jail or on welfare."...


Tues., Mar. 27, 2012, NY Post front page of website chooses to deceive and inflame. After all the publicity of Trayvon Martin in his hoodie, the NY Post chooses not to go with the current 'hoodie' photo, instead uses one in which Martin looks quite a bit younger and certainly has no hoodie. They put that photo next to a smiling George Zimmerman.

I'm linking it to the NY Post main page but the photo won't be there long. The article it linked to only had a big, huge picture of smiling Zimmerman. Following is the side by side that has run elsewhere which the Post chose not to use showing a more current photo of Martin in his famous hoodie:

The Post did the same thing on 3/24, put a very young Martin with no hoodie in the front page next to Obama. For the record, the NY Post is scorned as the "right wing" newspaper in town although it has always adored Obama and I guess always will:

3/24/12, "National Son," Obama on front page of NY Post with black Florida teen who was killed, Sat. 3/24/12. Where was Obama's national plea from the White House Rose Garden on behalf of someone "who could have been his son" when a gay black teen was attacked by a black teen mob?

LeBron James via Twitter/AP, "The Miami Heat take a photo wearing hoodies in support of Trayvon Martin, who was tragically killed last month. The photo was posted on LeBron James' Twitter account with the hashtags "#WeAreTrayvonMartin #Hoodies #Stereotyped #WeWantJustice.""


Following is another site's choice to use a younger and non-hoodie version of Martin who was 17 when he died. The point is the media often opts for characterizations it knows are inaccurate. In this already inflamed case, they choose to pile on. They choose out of date pictures and obviously manipulate skin tones in what they're trying to make a case about race. Even though Zimmerman speaks Spanish and his mother is Hispanic, the media desperately wants Zimmerman to be white, so some like the NY Times label Zimmerman "a white Hispanic, " (3rd parag.) The photo below of Zimmerman is the same as one seen above but color tones have been altered by editors. The picture of Martin below is the same as the one above from the NY Post front page but editors have adjusted color tones.


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