Wednesday, February 22, 2012

USA Today prints letter to the editor by someone threatening to gun down Wall St. & Washington, DC

2/21/12, "OWS Letter to the Editor in USA Today: We Will Storm Wall Street With Guns," Big Journalism, Ben Shapiro

"At USA Today, a self-employed massage therapist from Austin, TX has a letter to the editor responding to an editorial suggesting that Occupy Wall Street has lost its way.

Here’s what this fellow wrote:

USA TODAY’s editorial is right to say that Occupy might lack clear goals on how to move forward, but the movement has accomplished its main original goal: to protest these injustices, not by simply holding a rally and going home, but by keeping the rally going to underscore the seriousness of this problem. Your piece accuses the protesters of sitting around and doing nothing. So maybe they should take up their Second Amendment-sanctioned guns and storm Wall Street and our nation’s capitals. If our country doesn’t change, it could very well come to that one day.

Notice the language here. Rich Latta, the author, threatens outright to head to Wall Street with firearms. Janet Napolitano, where are you? He says they out to head to Washington, D.C. packing heat. Secret Service, you’re being paged.

The irony here, of course, is that the mainstream media prints these sorts of letters without a second thought so long as they spring from OWS – and that nobody seems to care. If this had come from the tea party, it would be front page news at Huffington Post. Instead, it’s buried in the editorial page of USA Today, and disappears into the ether. Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as leftist media bias." via Atlas Shrugs


Ed. note: The response if any to this would be this is a loner type not really affiliated with Occupy but the point is the media printed it like it was any letter to the editor.


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