Friday, February 10, 2012

US tax dollars once poured into Fatah, Abbas, and PLO now pour instead into Hamas, the group most favored by Islamic terrorists

2/7/12, "Huh? Obama Says New HAMAS Palestinian Unity Govt is Merely “Internal Matter” of Palestinians," Debbie Schlussel

"For years, I’ve warned on this site about the impending merger between America’s preferred Islamic terrorists, Fatah and its leader Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a “Abu Mazen,” and the Muslim world’s favorite terrorists, HAMAS. And, as I warned, this week, the merger was agreed to in Doha, capital of our “loyal ally,” Qatar (and Al-Jazeera, which Qatar funds). This is just one of the major reasons why America was extremely stupid–as I’ve warned over the years–to support Fatah, Abbas, and the P.L.O. This support came largely to fruition under the Bush Administration, with George W. Bush giving Fatah gazillions for campaign ads, business start-ups, and, then, mortgage bail-outs for the Palestinians.
  • All of this money now goes to HAMAS.
Don’t let the fact that Abbas was picked to head the HAMAS unity government fool ya. He’s the face picked because he’s already been accepted and ass-kissed by the West (despite his open support for and involvement in both Islamic terrorism and Holocaust denial). But HAMAS will be running the show. HAMAS is the dominant force in both Gaza and the Palestinian Authority (PA), today. And this just clears the way for HAMAS to take over officially, even without elections. But, when those elections come, the group will solidify its power and hold over both Gaza and the PA, with access to these continuing funds from your tax dollars–funds which Congress and the State Department decline to cut off. In fact, the Obama State Department, dismisses the HAMAS unity government as a mere “internal matter” of the Palestinian people! Uh-huh, the same HAMAS that throws its people off 13 story buildings, the same HAMAS which is funded by Iran and blows people up. “Internal matter.” Oh, and in case you missed it, Khaled Meshaal, the head of HAMAS, said that this unity government signifies a pact to “unify against the enemy.” Guess who that enemy is? Israel, the West, Christians, Jews. All of those–HAMAS is coming for you.

Congressional amendments forbid foreign aid going to Hamas, which the United States has designated a terrorist organization. A partnership with Mr. Abbas could lead to a cutoff. “It further jeopardizes whatever existing aid is left,” said Representative Gary L. Ackerman, a Democrat from New York."...


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