Sunday, February 19, 2012

Florida blanketed with thousands of volunteers for Obama re-election campaign

Fine, but Obama is running unopposed. The GOP wants him re-elected too.

2/19/12, "Obama campaign amassing troops in Florida," Tampa Tribune, W. March

"While the Republican presidential candidates have been battling in Florida and other state primaries, President Barack Obama's re-election campaign has been quietly putting together what aides say will be the biggest grass-roots campaign organization in Florida history.

It's run out of a dingy storefront in Ybor City, but aims at a state-spanning army of thousands of volunteers making phone calls, canvassing neighborhoods and registering voters.

Their goal is to repeat Obama's stunning 2008 Florida victory. That, political experts say, would make it virtually impossible for any Republican to build an Electoral College majority to defeat him.

Obama's Florida campaigners say there's little question they will have a bigger grass-roots organization than they had in 2008, which they say was the state's largest."...via Free Republic


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