Friday, February 10, 2012

The awakening of the productive classes is extremely dangerous to embedded elites

The passivity of the productive class allows wealth and power to flow to elites.

2/9/12, "Self-Interest and the Pathology of Power: the Corruption of America Part 2," Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds

(parag. 11): "As this awakening begins, a divergence between the definitions of self-interest by the Power Elites (financial and political) and the productive classes begins to open. This is extremely dangerous to the Power Elites, who are fundamentally parasitical and predatory: their wealth and power all flow from the labor, taxes, debt service

  • and passivity/complicity of the productive classes.

The Power Elites' time-honored strategy to protect their own wealth and grip on power has three components:

  • one is to pursue a strategy of pervasive, ceaseless propaganda to persuade the productive classes that the system is sound, fair and working for them;
  • the second is to fund diversionary "bread and circuses" for the potentially troublesome lower classes, and
  • the third is to harden the fiefdoms of power and wealth into an aristocracy that is impervious to the protests of debt-serfs and laborers below.

In addition to "the system is working for you" social control myth, the wealth/power aristocracy also invokes various fear-based social control myths: external enemies are threatening us all, so ignore your debt-serfdom and powerlessness, etc.

In the ideal Power Elite scenario, a theocracy combines faith and State: not only is it illegal to resist the Aristocracy, you will suffer eternal damnation for even thinking about it."...

Zero Hedge guest post

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