Monday, February 27, 2012

As Shariah spreads like cancer 4th annual Florida Muslim Capitol Day in Tallahassee Tues., 2/28

2/26/12, "Creeping Shari’ah in America Must Be Stopped," Big Peace, Laura Rambeau Lee

"An American Muslim judge in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania imposed Shari’ah on a man who dressed as “Zombie Muhammad” in a Halloween Parade last year. He was accosted by a Muslim man who was offended by this display of disrespect of the Prophet Muhammad.

The video of the hearing can be accessed here (hat tip: Atlas Shrugs). embedded by Embedded Video

We are seeing Shari’ah becoming more “accepted” in America, usurping the Florida Constitution and the Constitution of the United States of America in the decisions of judges in our courts.

We have Shari’ah-compliant mortgage financing. We have seen a Palestinian woman, Fatima Abdallah, brutally beaten to death in Tampa, her murder swept under the carpet so as not to offend Muslim sensibilities.

Please encourage Florida lawmakers to support legislation titled Application of Foreign Laws in Certain Cases (HB 1209, SB 1360). This legislation would prohibit certain provisions of foreign laws, including Shari’ah law, from being considered by Florida courts if they do not afford the same liberties, rights and privileges guaranteed by the Florida and US Constitution.

The Senate Budget Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations Chair has scheduled SB 1360 for consideration on Tuesday, February 28, 2012.

Thus far, three committees have approved this legislation with only one dissenting vote. To read the full details at Florida Family Association click here. There is a link to write to the Florida legislature to express your support for this bill.

This legislation has passed all of the assigned committees in the Florida House and is ready to be heard by the full house of representatives. However, this legislation must pass in this senate subcommittee.

Ahmed Bedier of United Voices for America will be in Tallahassee on February 28th to fight this bill. The group is inviting Muslims to Tallahassee on the same day for the fourth annual Florida Muslim Capitol Day.

The proposed bill would in no way diminish the ability of the Muslim faithful to peaceably practice their religion. It merely seeks to affirm the Florida Constitution and the Constitution of the United States of America as the Supreme Law of the Land."


The Tampa Tribune doesn't use the word 'sharia,' instead uses the word 'islamic.'

10/25/11, "Use of Islamic law OK in civil case, judge rules," Tampa Tribune, by Jose Patino Girona


3/20/11, "'This case will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic Law'," American Thinker, Thomas Lifson


3/20/11, "Sharia law has come to Florida," by Tom in Florida


2/4/11, "CPAC Honors Shark Tank for attacking conservatives?," Political Watchdog, Charles Robinson


CPAC is sponsored by the ACU which now includes Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers. (Isn't everybody?):

2/7/11, "The Muslim Brotherhood and the ACU,", Ben Howe

"This is about the influence of radical Islam over the organization that puts CPAC together, the American Conservative Union’s (ACU) board of directors. Unfortunately, it has become apparent that there are Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers, apologists, and fundamentalists

  • sponsoring and speaking at the conference this weekend."...



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