Friday, February 24, 2012

'America's hapless Republicans' unable to mobilize against a mountain of evidence that climate fraud was just a way to destroy our economy

2/24/12, "British Parliament heard devastating testimony overturning the global warming hoax," American Thinker, Jerry Schmitt

"James Delingpole of The Telegraph reports that the British Parliament heard devastating testimony overturning the global warming hoax from MIT's Richard Lindzen who is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. Prof. Lindzen sounded the alarm early over the systematic subversion of Climate Sciences in North America and Europe by a cabal centered around Al Gore and the UN's Maurice Strong.

The Telegraph has published Prof. Lindzen's presentation here as the House of Commons undertakes to "Reconsider the Climate Change Act" -- the provisions of which have decimated the British economy. America's hapless Republicans somehow are unable to organize an effective political debate over global warming hysteria that is affecting everything from Solyndra to the Keystone Pipeline-- even though I'm sure Prof. Lindzen is available to testify before Congress. This renewed debate in Parliament represents a significant


Among AT comments:


"Declaring AGW a hoax now can only be a small first step in rooting out all the fine print and neutralizing it. It wears clever disguises that make it appear innocuous and even beneficial. Its mandates are often several times removed from the hoax itself. But rest assured, it has nothing to do with climate and everything to do with the redistribution of wealth, the holy grail of the "progressive" movement. If not climate, it would be something else, and it surely will be."


Dr. Dave:

"I liked the way Lindzen summed up modern climate science, "science in the service of politics.""



""Hapless Republicans"? That's almost a definition of the party. Since the MSM is socialist to the core and supports nothing but Democrats, the GOP is constantly afraid of its own shadow."


2/24/12, Catholic leaders urge followers to act against global warming for the sake of Christ.

via Tom Nelson

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