Monday, January 2, 2012

Usual billionaire foreign interests attempting to sabotage Canada econony are outed in ad campaign

1/2/12, "BREAKING: New ad campaign reveals foreign interests sabotaging Canada’s economy," Kathy Shaidle, FiveFeetofFury

" documents puppetmasters behind anti-oilsands lobby"

VANCOUVER – January 2, 2012 – "Foreign special interests are paying millions of dollars to local front groups to sabotage Canada’s energy industry, according to an advertising campaign launched today.

The federal government’s hearings into the Northern Gateway Pipeline begin next week,” says Kathryn Marshall, spokesman for “Canadians will be shocked to learn that anti-oilsands lobby groups opposing the project have taken millions of dollars from foreign special interests.”

The ad campaign started this morning on more than a dozen radio stations across northern B.C., and will also appear in ten weekly newspapers over the month of January. Each ad in the series highlights a different Canadian front group being paid by a foreign special interest.

Factual documentation for the ads, as well as an audio clip of the first of five radio ads, can be heard at the website

Whether or not Canada decides to build this pipeline is a Canadian decision, based on Canadian interests — not the political interests of foreigners or their Canadian puppets,” said Marshall. “Let’s have a national discussion about this — but foreigner billionaires and their local lobbyists should butt out.”

Some of the foreign backed anti-oilsands groups highlighted in the ads include:

“This ad campaign is 100% Canadian, paid for through grassroots donations by Canadians only,” noted Marshall. “We’ll never take money to undermine our country’s national interest.”"

via Atlas Shrugs

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