Saturday, January 21, 2012

Soros and UN backed environmental groups target tv meteorologists to silence dissent on 'Too Big to Fail' man made climate change fraud

Update, 1/24/12, " – Political Activists Gagging Our TV Meteorologists on Climate Issues," Michael A. Lewis, PhD, Watts up with That

" (operated by Citizen Engagement Lab) is a George Soros funded activist website." (scroll down)

Soros "OSI (Open Society Institute) Criminal Justice and Equality Fund" finances tax-exempt groups actively trying to gag all speech in public that might affect the $10 trillion Soros-backed group INCR has at stake in man-made climate change fraud that's "Too Big to Fail." Ceres Equity Shareholders page includes Soros Private Equity Partners. [Note, they have removed this page listing Soros sponsorship of Ceres and INCR. Soros no longer likes to disclose where his money goes. ed.]

"Too Big to Fail" global warming site lists partners including global warming activist groups and League of Conservation Voters. is funded in part by the UN. LCV's Bd. of Directors includes people from wealthy groups like Center for Am. Progress, NRDC, Environmental Defense, etc. which have the resources to silence free speech.

1/20/12, "Leftist Agenda Intimidation Tactics on Meteorologists," posted by by jdogbearhunter, at

  • "Forecast the Facts " aims to track down scandalous tv meteorologists who don't promote catastrophic man-caused global warming.

"TV meteorologists have worked for years to build respectability for their profession. What began as a glorified announcer position has morphed into a true scientific pursuit, with graduate degrees, a professional association, and standards for certification. That profession now faces a defining question: will TV meteorologists forecast the facts and help Americans understand the science and impacts of [man-caused] climate change, or will they stand on the side of denial, promoting the ignorance and inaction that threatens the future of our country and our world?

The weather report never mattered so much."

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."


'Man-caused climate change' has 3 planks per Nigel Purvis an Obama-Biden climate adviser:

  • reducing industry in the US,

'Climate' is not mentioned because it's not about climate. The entire climate industry rests on the theory that CO2 is poisonous and that all Americans are criminals who must pay billions (as stated above by a longtime government climate operative). Ice ages have come and gone without a single automobile. Palm trees have grown in the Arctic. CO2 and temperature are not related as has been shown numerous times. The problem is there is so much money behind the climate industry now, it's "TOO BIG TO FAIL," just like the big banks.

1/7/12, 3 top UN climate officials, Edenhofer, Pachauri, and Figueres, say it's about cash not climate

Greenpeaces' Jeremy Leggett is now a celebrity carbon trading millionaire and television commentator.

7/16/10, "Carbon Trading Used as Money-Laundering Front," Jakarta Globe


11/23/11, "
Europe's $287bn carbon 'waste': UBS report," The Australian, Sid Maher

"Swiss banking giant UBS says the European Union's emissions trading scheme has cost the continent's consumers $287 billion for "almost zero impact" on cutting carbon emissions, and has warned that the EU's carbon pricing market is on the verge of a crash next year."


Christian Science Monitor, 4/20/10, "Buying Carbon offsets may ease eco-guilt but not global warming," by Doug Struck.


7/02/09, "The Great American Bubble Machine: How Goldman Sachs has Engineered Every Major Market Manipulation Since the Great Depression," Rolling Stone, by Matt Taibbi

"A groundbreaking new commodities bubble,

  • called cap-and-trade."...


11/25/2009, "Global warming industry becomes too big to fail," Timothy Carney, Washington Examiner


12/1/10, "EU Carbon permits missing from registry due to (computer) virus," Reuters, Nina Chestney

"One million European carbon permits (valued at $19.54 million US) have gone missing from the Romanian subsidiary of cement company Holcim's (HOLN.VX) emissions registry account due to a computer virus,

  • the EU Commission said on Wednesday.

Holcim Romania says on its website that its account with the Romanian national registry for greenhouse gases was illegally accessed and

  • 1.6 million carbon permits went missing."...

7/3/10, "Deutsche Bank was warned about carbon raid-report," Reuters


RGGI, the Northeast states' "Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: "The secrets 10 states and Wall Street don't want you to know," by Mark Lagerkvist, NJ Watchdog, 7/28/10


10/3/2011, "Carbon credits tarnished by human rights 'disgrace'," EurActiv, EU News


"Renewable Energy law is...not an instrument to combat climate change" per Germany Green Party email. ie, People know switching to wind turbines will not save our grandchildren (James Hanson, Prince Charles). They do know insulating a building reduces CO2 more efficiently than wind turbines, per Green Party expert email.

2/10/2009, "Wind Turbines in Europe Do Nothing for Emissions-Reduction Goals," Der Spiegel, Anselm Waldermann

"Despite Europe's boom in solar and wind energy, CO2 emissions haven't been reduced by even a single gram. Now, even the Green Party is taking a new look at the issue -- as shown in e-mails obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE.


10/26/09, "Palms flourished in the Arctic during a brief sweltering period about 50 million years ago, according to a study that hints at
  • gaps in our understanding of modern climate change.

The Arctic "would have looked very similar to the vegetation we now see in Florida," says Dr Appy Sluijs of Utrecht University in the Netherlands who led the international study."


10/26/09, "Palms once grew in ice-free arctic," Reuters by Alister Doyle published in Australian Broadcasting Corporation News in Science, photo from ABC.Au Science website

Clouds, volcanic eruptions cited. Contradicts currently touted "computer models."

via Free Republic

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