Monday, January 16, 2012

UK Telegraph pundit says US Republican Party is in trouble which it is but that doesn't concern the Establishment

Embedded so-called Republicans (and their Democrat pals) participated in this country's destruction or did nothing to stop it and should at minimum have left the Beltway in shame. But they won't leave, say come and get us, and are fine with Obama being re-elected. Before the Tea Party, the GOP was almost non-existent and the establishment was fine with that.

1/14/12, "US election 2012: Republican debate all seems stuck in the past, with no vision for America's future," UK Telegraph, Alex Spillius

"The spectacle of the Republican primary campaign in full swing over the past couple of weeks has emphasised how this is a party in trouble, writes Alex Spillius."

"The only energy in the party in the past few years has been created by the Tea Party. Its great achievement was to tell the White House and Washington that many Americans were very, very worried about the deficit. By the time Obama and the Democrats got the message, they had lost the House in the 2010 midterms.

Some Republican candidates are scared of the movement and the shift to the Right that it represents. But the movement is nearly three years old and is showing signs of moving beyond its anti-tax Jacobinism.

Ironically, the blue-rinse, index-linked insurgents of the Tea Party have something in common with the students and dope-smoking drummers of the Occupy movement, the latest (and less effective) popular movement to spread across the nation.

And that something is disgust with the Wall Street bailouts and with the corporate world's grip on Washington. Americans are very pro-wealth creation, much more so than Europeans, but Right, Left and middle alike see a country in which the rich and the political class are doing very nicely from government largesse while

  • the average family faces a generation of uncertainty.

Yet so beholden are both major parties to big business, and so mired are they in Washington's money-drenched swamp, that the candidates in the current race are ignoring this populist wave. In fact it terrifies them, because with the exception of Ron Paul, the maverick Texas congressman,

  • they are all tarnished by the brush of the establishment.

The politician who can best embrace this disillusion with the system will do himself a lot of favours on polling day, November 6. Obama has had his chance to change Washington,


10/16/11, "Does Anyone Have a Grip on the G.O.P.?" NY Times Magazine, Matt Bai

"It wasn’t that long ago that Republican moneymen and operatives in Washington were moping around K Street like Eeyore in the Hundred Acre Wood, lamenting their party’s extremist image and casting about for a candidate with a chance of beating Barack Obama in 2012. Citing what he called the “near self-immolation” of House Republicans during the debt-ceiling fiasco, Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard,"...

  • Ed. note: The 'debt ceiling fiasco' was and continues to be an invented drama in which establishment Republicans join with Democrats and the media to demonize their common enemy: The Tea Party, which is simply the Silent Majority who caught on that politicians have sold us out and we want it to stop. The 'debt' dramas come up because Obama never submitted a budget during his first 2 years when he could have passed ANYTHING. Sometime in 2011 he finally submitted one and it was defeated in the Senate 97-0. Not even a Democrat voted for it. So there is no budget.

(continuing, NY Times): "worried in early August that a “large number of Republican primary voters, and even more independent general-election voters, will be wary of supporting a Republican candidate in 2012 if the party looks as if it’s in the grip of an infantile form of conservatism.”"...

  • Ed. note: Being a whining, murderous neo-con is better? Stealing $6 billion a month from US taxpayers every month for 10 years in a fake war in Afghanistan to enrich pedophiles, defense contractors, rapists, thugs, and warlords in an openly acknowledged mafia like system--that's not 'infantile'?


11/4/10, "Ruling Class GOP Declare War on Country Class Conservatives,"

"The ruling class of the Republican Party doesn't want conservatives having any kind of a foothold, any success or any leadership in the party. ...(item half way down page)....So it appears to me they're (GOP) perfectly happy being in the minority if it means not supporting conservatives. (2/3 down page, Rush was using the term conservatives generally describing the new people elected in Nov. 2010)... Apparently the

  • establishment Republicans
  • will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives

11/20/10, "Revolutionary Do-Over," Wall St. Journal, John Fund

Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, now a big-time Washington lobbyist, has already told the Washington Post that
  • it's imperative for his tribe to "co-opt" the tea partiers arriving in D.C."...


5/30/11, "Washington is Broken, and Needs Leadership. Where is President Obama?" Senator Ron Johnson,

"Last week, President Obama’s FY 2012 Budget was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 0-97. Let me repeat that, ZERO to 97. The President’s budget that was unveiled as THE solution to our long-term fiscal problems did not receive a single vote in the United States Senate.

This is a stunning indictment of the President’s lack of leadership and seriousness. I don’t know how many thousands of man-hours that over four inch thick, 2400-page budget document took to create, but it was a total waste of time and resources. That is a very sad fact. Instead of acknowledging this failure, the Administration and members of the President’s party have been viciously demagoguing the only other budget plans offered, and engaging in a concerted effort

  • to scare the American public and financial markets


10/20/11, "The lost decade," Claremont Institute, Angelo M. Codevilla

via Hot Air

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