Monday, January 30, 2012

NY City Transit just like watching MSNBC or Al Jazeera, they accept ads with particular political view points and turn down others

The NYC Metropolititan Transit Authority rejected an ad Ms. Geller thought might at least balance out the anti-Israel ads MTA was running in subways.

1/30/12, "The Civilized Man vs. the MTA Savages," Pamela Geller, American Thinker

"A lawsuit is challenging New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority's restriction of free speech and sanctioning of Jew-hatred in the city's subways. More

Last September, the human rights organization American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), of which I am executive director, filed suit against the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority's restriction of free speech and sanctioning of Jew-hatred in the city's subways. Jew-haters can run ads suggesting that Israel's self-defense is the obstacle to "peace." But our ad calling terrorism against innocent civilians "savage" was banned, deemed "demeaning" and "insulting" to savages. And now, in response to our discovery motion, we have received some highly revealing documents showing how the MTA acted inconsistently and out of political bias in rejecting our ads....

What is so unnerving about the MTA emails is the casual acceptance among MTA staffers of anti-Semitism, their casual acceptance of the anti-Israel ads, and their knee-jerk negative reaction to my simple and true ad. And on a not unrelated note, the e-mails between the mainstream press and the MTA are very cozy. Jennifer Fermino of the New York Post reassures the MTA in a September 20 e-mail that a story about our pro-Israel ads had been set to be on the front page, but was moved off the front page and reduced: "Now its only 7 inch story, very short.""....(MTA emails at link.)


Here is an MTA Ad scorning the Tea Party, 9/26/11:

Here are ads MTA ran scorning Republicans:

photos of MTA ads via Atlas Shrugs

But the MTA wouldn't run an ad against savage behavior:

photo of ad from Atlas Shrugs


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