Thursday, January 19, 2012

Millionaire left wing comediens like Colbert join with corporations like Politico to stifle free speech and re-elect Obama and Wall Street

"Only corporations like Politico and millionaires like Stephen Colbert should enjoy unlimited political speech." They know "whoever owns the narrative wins the election."

1/18/12, "Politico, MSNBC Team Up to Champion Stephen Colbert’s Attack on Free Political Speech," John Nolte, Big Journalism

"As I wrote in my piece last week, the reason outlets like Politico and millionaires like Stephen Colbert hate Super PACS is because they believe that only corporations like Politico and millionaires like Stephen Colbert should enjoy unlimited political speech. Once you eliminate Super PACs, then leftist outlets like Politico and leftist partisans like Colbert will enjoy a lot less competition
  • for the all-important 2012 election narrative.

Politico and Colbert both know that the whoever owns the narrative wins the election, and they intend to win the election for Obama.

Another fascinating part of the segment is how Wagner makes no secret of the fact that Tina Fey’s impersonation of Sarah Palin helped to define the Governor in Obama’s favor during the ‘08 campaign. Wagner completely misses the irony, though. To whatever degree Fey was effective, that effectiveness did not come from “Saturday Night Live,” a show that only draws somewhere around 10 million viewers.

The Fey impersonation became a part of our popular culture through — you guessed it — the mainstream media viralizing, amplifying and broadcasting any and all “satire” clips damaging to our side throughout all of the ‘08 election. And as you can see from Wagner’s comments today, the media knows exactly what it’s doing when it uses left-wing comedians in this way, and they’re proud of it."


Ed. note: The media of course elected Obama. One of the reasons I know that is because it worked on me. I pay more attention to news and politics than the average person, but I didn't learn until several weeks after the 2008 election that in fact Sarah Palin never said, "I can see Russia from my house." Obama really doesn't even have to campaign.


What Hillary Clinton screamed in 2003 about the right of people to dissent she would never scream today.


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