Sunday, January 29, 2012

Miami Herald makes headline for their guy Romney (who even Soros says is like Obama) with poll that doesn't even focus on GOP primary voter

Another Miami Herald fantasy poll they use to make big headlines and say "it's all over." They could have polled 3 Republicans but they don't tell you. They just say they polled people "likely to vote in the general election." Based on that they run a headline that Romney is ahead.

1/28/12, "Poll: Romney holds big lead over Gingrich in Florida," Miami Herald, M. Caputo

"About this poll

The telephone survey of 800 registered Florida voters — all likely to vote in the general election — was conducted Jan. 24-26 for The Miami Herald, El Nuevo Herald, Tampa Bay Times [this is the St. Petersburg Times recently renamed], Bay News 9 and Central Florida News 13.

The poll was conducted by MasonDixon Polling & Research, a nonpartisan, Jacksonville-based company.

The margin of error overall is 3.5 percentage points.

For GOP primary questions, the margin of error is 4.5 percentage points....

Gingrich is badly trailing Romney by 11 percentage points, garnering just 31 percent of likely Republican voters heading into Tuesday’s presidential primary, according to a Miami Herald/El Nuevo Herald/Tampa Bay Times [until recently known as the St. Petersburg Times] poll released late Saturday night."...via Free Republic


Read more here: Free Republic---------------------------------

From the article: Cuban voters in Miami-Dade listen to Rush Limbaugh

"“The Cuban voters here will probably be more homogenous in how they vote than in other parts of the state,” said Dave Custin, a top-tier Miami-Dade political consultant.

Cubans don’t like to throw their vote away, unless they feel the need to cast a protest vote,” he said. “But Romney does have some problems. Cubans are either Catholic or hard-line Christian-conservative voters. A lot of them don’t like that Romney is Mormon. And they think he’s a Massachusetts liberal. Cubans watch Fox. They listen to Martha Flores at night on Spanish radio. But they listen to Rush Limbaugh during the day.”"...


1/28/12, "George Soros says there 'isn’t all that much difference' between Romney and Obama," UK Daily Mail, Toby Harnden


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Read more here: GOP primary questions, the margin of error is 4.5 percentage points." via Free Republic

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