Friday, January 20, 2012

Media eager for details about Romney & Gingrich but care nothing about Obama details like a video the LA Times refuses to release

"No one seemed to notice that Obama had not written a single article while serving as editor of The Harvard Law Review, and no one pressed the issue of Obama's suppressed college and law school transcripts." Tom Brokaw 4 days before Obama's 'historic' election freely says he knows nothing about him except "he went to Harvard Law School."

1/20/12, "A GOP Candidate's Bitter Ex-Wife Receives More Coverage Than a Video of Obama Dining with Terrorist-Supporters," American Thinker, Laurie B. Regan

"Why are calls for Mitt Romney to release his tax return not met with calls for Barack Obama to release his college transcripts -- something that is just as customary for presidential candidates?

However, of greater importance in my view is the silence, save for a few journalists and pundits on the right, regarding exposing a videotape recorded in 2003 of Barack Obama at the farewell dinner for terrorist-supporting Palestinian Rashid Khalidi. News of the videotape's existence came to light while Obama was a candidate, and the free pass given to him by the mainstream media was only just beginning to come to light when the enamored Chris Matthews' shared news of the tingle up his leg....

No one seemed to notice that Obama had not written a single article while serving as editor of The Harvard Law Review, and no one pressed the issue of Obama's suppressed college and law school transcripts since it was a given that his brilliance was perhaps surpassed only by the likes of Albert Einstein.

But there is a videotape sitting in the vaults of the Los Angeles Times, and every American should be screaming from the rooftops for its release. In light of the Arab Spring, Obama's endless attempts to bully Israel into succumbing to all sorts of unprecedented and unsafe demands in the hopes that he would go down in history as the POTUS who made peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, and the administration's ineptness in addressing Iran's nuclear program and military threats, exposing this videotape is of utmost importance.

In April 2010, Roger L. Simon published an article on PajamasMedia entitled, "Why is the L.A. Times Burying the Obama/Khalidi Tape?" Of further consequence is why the media -- and Americans -- are

  • not demanding that the L.A. Times immediately release the tape....

Were it not for the internet and cable television, true news organizations would no longer exist. It was recently reported that Jerusalem Post editor Steve Linde quoted Bibi Netanyahu calling The New York Times and Haaretz Israel's two main enemies because "they set the agenda for an anti-Israel campaign all over the world." Netanyahu denies making this exact statement, but there is no question that both papers' reporting reflects a bias that can be characterized only as anti-Israel propaganda. Taken a step further, there is no question that the mainstream media as a whole has become completely entrenched in propaganda, bias, anti-Israel and anti-American sentiment, and indoctrination based on liberal, progressive values that are completely out of the "mainstream."

The public will never understand that the Islamists taking over the Mideast are not moderate, will not promote democracy, are not friends of the United States, and wish the ultimate destruction of the West if the public reads and relies upon only The New York Times, L.A. Times, MSNBC, or similar tools of the left for its "news" and information. Americans will not understand the implications of four more years of a pro-Islamist president if they do not understand what Islamism is all about. And they will not know who is sitting in the White House making policy decisions based on personal biases if

  • the media continues to promote Obama's agenda


4 days before election day in 2008 Tom Brokaw freely admits he knows nothing about Obama except that "he went to Harvard Law School."

10/30/2008, Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose on 'historic' Obama 4 days before election

Charlie Rose notes we're coming into "what may be the most historic election of our time." He says what we know about Obama is primarily from his autobiography and 2 speeches. Rose asks esteemed journalist/opinion leader Tom Brokaw,

  • "What do you make of Barack Obama?"
Charlies Rose says, we've not have a real in depth discussion about foreign policy, we don't know a lot about the universe of this thinking.

Brokaw: "We don't know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking. China has not been examined at all,
  • which is astonishing."...
Brokaw: "I don't know what books he's read."...


Ed. note: This was the peak of political journalism in the US in 2008. They freely admit they knew nothing about Obama. They followed him for years but were not at all curious to pursue available substantive information about him for their own knowledge or to pass along to Americans in their esteemed roles.


The following was written BEFORE Thursday night's 'debates:'

1/19/12, "Tip to Republican Candidates: Occupy the Media," American Thinker, Rick Rinehart

"It is no coincidence that Newt Gingrich's rise in the polls comes after pushing back against the traditional media in recent debates and elsewhere, as the unholy alliance between Democrats and the MSM becomes increasingly obvious to anyone who is paying attention.

On five occasions now Gingrich marvelously took on the presumptive smartest guys in the room and simply annihilated them."...


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