Thursday, January 26, 2012

In his crowning moment as a Soros Republican, Romney defends the media

1/25/12, "Romney blasts Gingrich over attacks on debate moderators, news media,"The Hill, J. Easley

Ed. note: The GOP shouldn't appear at 'debates' moderated by media figures to begin with and certainly not when they drag in a live audience then tell the audience to remain silent. Such 'moderators' are free to waste time and create false narratives helpful to the left and damaging for the right. Brian Williams isn't the the gatekeeper of America or democracy. The media is the biggest problem America has but most on the right won't say so. Elected GOP view the media as their #1 constituent. Gingrich does a great service by shining a light on this issue (even if as some say he and the media are 'secret pals'). This opening should be grasped and never let go by all ordinary Americans who are tired of being defined by cloistered elites. Soros Republican Mitt Romney does the reverse, says don't question the media, let them continue what they've done for decades, taunting you, laughing at you, lying about you. Following are links showing Romney is no different than Soros on global warming fraud.

1/25/12, "Romney blasts Gingrich over attacks on debate moderators, news media,"The Hill, J. Easley

"Mitt Romney attacked his GOP presidential rival Newt Gingrich over what has to date been one of Gingrich’s most effective debate methods — going after the moderators and the media for questions he deems inappropriate.

“It’s very easy to talk down a moderator,” Romney said Wednesday on Fox News. “The moderator asks a question and then has to sit by and take whatever you send to them. And Speaker Gingrich has been wonderful at attacking the moderators and attacking the media.”"...


Romney hires advisers who speak and advocate no differently than Al Gore, George Soros and Obama. A Romney 2012 campaign adviser from Harvard wrote in the NY Times 1/21/12 that he believes in catastrophic man made global warming and the need to "alter behavior ." (see subhead, "Tax Bads Rather than Goods.") The Romney adviser says:

"A (gas) tax exceeding $2 a gallon makes sense."...

Americans have driven billions fewer miles each year for several years. People have no money to go anywhere anyway but Romney, like Soros, believes only the rich deserve to drive cars. Ignorant masses must be restrained in a pen:

(NY Times, Mankiw): "These include traffic congestion, accidents, local pollution and global climate change. If the tax on gasoline were higher, people would alter their behavior to drive less. They would be more likely to take public transportation, use car pools or live closer to work. ...Economists who have added up all the externalities associated with driving conclude that a tax exceeding $2 a gallon makes sense."...

"N. Gregory Mankiw is a professor of economics at Harvard. He is advising Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, in the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination."

1/21/12, "A better tax system (Assembly instructions included)" NY Times, Business, by N. Gregory Mankiw

"On Jan. 1, 2006, Massachusetts became the first state to regulate CO2."

10/14/11, "Romney's Bad Advice," Investors Editorial

"The GOP front-runner for 2012 sought advice on global warming and carbon emissions from the president's current science czar — an advocate of de-developing America and population control.

Politics is said to make strange bedfellows, but no coupling in our view is more bizarre than when John Holdren, now President Obama's assistant for science and technology, once advised GOP presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney on environmental policy.

  • Holdren's bizarre views are best suited for an adviser to someone like, say, Pol Pot.

He views humanity as a plague on the planet and the Industrial Revolution as a tragic mistake. The fewer people, he believes, the better, and he's not shy about the ways he would use to reduce their number.

Why Gov. Romney, a reasonable person, would pick such a man to advise him on anything is beyond us.

On Jan. 1, 2006, Massachusetts became the first state to regulate CO2 emissions from power plants, something the Obama administration is trying to do to all states through the Environmental Protection Agency's draconian job-killing regulations and mandates.

A Dec. 7, 2005 memo from the governor's office announcing the new policy listed among the "environmental and policy experts" providing input to the policy one "John Holdren,

  • professor of environmental policy at Harvard University."

This is the same person who wrote that a "massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States."...

Romney, speaking at a University of New Hampshire town hall on June 3, (2011) said: "I don't speak for the scientific community, of course, but I believe the world's getting warmer. I can't prove that, but I believe based on what I read that the world is getting warmer. And number two, I believe that humans contribute to that."

So do Holdren and Al Gore.

In June, Gore, on his blog, praised Romney's climate stance."...


In 2003 Romney appeared with activists at a coal plant and said:
“I will not create jobs or hold jobs
  • that kill people, and that plant,
10/7/11, "Mitt Romney’s Troubling Appointments,", Streiff


8/16/11, "Empty Roads: Americans Drove 15.5 Billion Fewer Miles than in 2010,"


1/25/12, "Newt Gingrich threatens to skip future debates if audience is silenced," Conservative, Paulson


4/15/12, "‘Righteous Indignation’ Review: Breitbart’s Written a Guide to Saving the World," Big Hollywood

"Righteous Indignation is a history map of how we got a media so corrupt and one-sided, who started it, who funds it, and how people like Arianna Huffington will change their whole world view on a dime just to be invited to the party. But more importantly, Mr. Breitbart’s book does something most books about culture and politics don’t — it tells us how to go about defeating the Democratic-Media Complex. Mr. Breitbart points out that Hollywood is more important than Washington; taking the fight into the octagon of pop-culture is more effective than shadow boxing up the steps of D.C. to get a billed signed because popular culture is where the narrative is set. The Right may own the facts, but with the networks and Hollywood in their corner, the Left wrestles the facts away

via GWP

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