Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gov. Scott Walker rejects handout for ObamaCare, seeks to avoid its 'devastating impact' on Wisc. economy. Scott Walker for President.

"Thank you, Governor, for turning down the transfer of $37 million from one set of taxpayers to your state. It really chaps me how some states view federal money as free money. It isn’t." commenter

1/20/12, "Scott Walker Turns Down Obamacare Funding," Leon H. Wolf,

"Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who had already announced that he would delay the implementation of the health care exchange program in Wisconsin until the Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare’s constitutionality, announced earlier this week that the state will turn down the $37M grant from the Federal government which was designed to aid in the exchange implementation.

On Wednesday Walker said he was notifying the federal government that Wisconsin was turning down the Early Innovator Grant, saying it didn’t make sense to commit to reforms that could have a devastating economic impact.

Stopping the encroachment of ObamaCare in our state, which has the potential to have a devastating impact on Wisconsin’s economy, is a top priority. Wisconsin has been a leader and innovator in health care reform for two decades, and we have achieved a high level of health insurance coverage without federal mandates,” Walker said in a statement.

Surprisingly, the AP found a bunch of Democrats and liberals who were shocked – shocked, I say – to find that Walker opposed the implementation of the exchange program in Wisconsin – quoting a Democrat state legislator, a representative from the ultra-liberal Citizen Action of Wisconsin, and a spokesperson from the American Cancer Society (which has been in the tank for Obamacare from the get-go). Strangely the fact that CAW and ACS have been rabid partisan backers of Obamacare from the beginning was omitted from the story, as was the fact that CAW is an ultra-left wing pro-OWS group. The piece is intentionally written to appear as though all reasonable and disinterested people condemn Governor Walker’s reckless decision, which is supported by absolutely no one.

Governor Walker continues to do the right thing in Wisconsin despite the constant smearing by liberals, unions, and the press. If you want to help fight his recall, click here and get involved."


Another commenter to above on RedState:


If gov Walker were running for President, I’d bet there wouldn’t be so much last minute decision making going on in the primaries about who to vote for. The choice would be pretty clear."


Ed. note: So rare to see a leader today.


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