Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Time Magazine Person of the Year cover is US credit card junkie who refuses to pay her bills thereby forcing fellow Americans to pay them

"A peek inside (her tent) reveals a bohemian paradise, complete with tapestries, blankets and pillows in rich earthy tones, candles and picture frames."

12/21/11, "Did TIME Really Symbolize the Fight for Freedom with the Image of a Deadbeat Credit Junkie?" Big Government, John Doyle

"To commemorate this worldwide struggle for freedom, TIME magazine honors “The Protester” as Person of the Year, featuring a cover photo of … Sarah Mason, an Occupy L.A. activist who adamantly refuses to pay her credit card bills....

“I still have debt and I’m not paying it back because I feel like at this point, I have an obligation to try and disrupt and upset the financial industry, the credit industry,Sarah told 360 Magazine. “Why would I miss this beautiful opportunity to say, ‘no, you don’t get your money back’?”

Despite a valiant effort to lionize her, 360 Magazine acknowledges, “Her unabashed attitude falters slightly, however,

  • when asked about how she incurred significant personal debt.”

“Each paycheck that I would get, I would overspend,” she said “I had already spent all this money on clothes, make-up, accessories, and I got the credit card because I needed to [pay] my electric bill. … And then of course, it turned into

  • I just started using it recklessly.”

That TIME selected a dead-beat American credit-junkie to symbolize the brave souls who risked everything in their struggle for freedom tells us a lot about why the dinosaur media is dying—and quite a bit about the Occupy Wall Street movement itself....

But the protester on the cover was, in fact, derived from a single photo of Sarah Mason, who—despite her own dramatic accumulation of accessories

  • now represents the struggle the world’s genuinely oppressed people.

While not the best person to symbolize the Arab Spring uprising, Sarah an ideal representative of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement, victimized as she was by “the capitalistic system in American society.”

“The reality is that, of course, is what compelled me to buy clothes and make-up and all of these things was insecurity and a feeling of being inadequate … What I also think it was that you’re just surrounded by these messages telling you to buy, buy, buy, consume, consume, consume.”

Most people facing that kind of pressure while deeply in debt would have cut up their credit cards and worked out a payment plan. But Sarah Mason is no quitter. She’s a fighter, and a born leader. “It’s easy not to pay your debt!” she said. “Nothing can happen … if you have assets, people can seize them, but if you don’t have assets,

  • what are they going to take?”

Well, they could start with her tent.

According to 360 Magazine, “The tent that Sarah leaves looks like any other gray nylon camping tent from the outside, of a nondescript size and description; however a quick peek inside reveals a bohemian paradise, complete with tapestries, blankets and pillows in rich earthy tones, candles and picture frames. It’s a cozy haven where one can hide from the chaos of a bustling day in downtown Los Angeles.”

And that, my friends, is the iconic summation of the Occupy Wall Street movement—a falsely humble exterior stuffed with luxury items that were purchased on credit which won’t be repaid."...


Occupy member and writer notes non-payment of debts is common among Occupy participants:

"Many of these people are saddled with tremendous amounts of personal debt..." (citation parag. 10 under sub-head, "Occupy’s class character and leadership"

12/14/11, "Occupy and the tasks of Socialists," by Pham Binh, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

top photo Sarah Mason of Occupy, bottom Time Magazine cover, 2011 person of the year, The Protester, also a picture of Occupy member Sarah Mason who freely admits having no intention of paying her credit card bills meaning fellow citizens will pay. both from Big Government

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