Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pennsylvania seeks to protect women from sharia law debasement

12/15/11, Pamela Geller explains: "This whole narrative is one big fat lie. You can leave your estate and your property to whomever you wish, and however you want. This is not about that. The dissembler professor from Temple University, Khalid Blankenship, is either clueless or complicit. This is what is teaching your children.

To quote my own testimony before the Alaska legislature:

"Legislation that "prohibits the violation of an individual's right under the Constitution of the State of Alaska or the United States Constitution.” This very simple and clear cut legislation should be the proverbial no brainer. And yet the fact that it being met by so much resistance both overt and covert indicates how very needed it is.

How can anyone oppose a law that seeks to prevent foreign laws from undermining fundamental constitutional liberties? We all accept that state and federal const’l rights to a jury trial in CIVIL cases can be waived almost by default (thus two parties agreeing to be bound by German or French law where there is no jury trial right in a civil matter) would not be affected by the bill since the jury trial right is per the law waived by default.

But there is no jurisprudence in the federal system and none in any state that would allow a party to waive Equal Protection—that is, could an African American agree to be discriminated against by the state? Absolutely not, so why would we allow a party to “waive” an equal protection claim in court where the state’s police power is being used to enforce an offensive foreign law?

We now have groups that have come to this country with a ready-made model of society and government they believe to be superior to what we have here and are working to institute it....

One only needs to look at the disintegration of Europe and the establishment all over that continent of enclaves in which Sharia is enforced and the law of the land disregarded, to glimpse a bleak future made possible by “good intentions” and the failure of multiculturalism. In those areas of Europe, women and non-Muslims suffer institutionalized discrimination, and there is no freedom of speech or freedom of conscience."

"This is an end run around the will of the people. The obfuscation and deliberate confusion is a tactic to defeat the prohibition of Islamic law in American courts and culture."


Angelo Codevilla has explained the Ruling Class runs the US. He traces US appeasement of Islamism since the 1970's in part to Ruling Class business interests in Arab countries. Both political parties have such people. On the GOP side it includes of course the entire Bush crowd. Ordinary right of center Americans (seen as 'irritable children' by the Rulers) finally realized we've been sold out and are trying to put a stop to it. That was what the Tea Party was about. The GOP establishment thinks it's a riot, says 'come and get us.'

10/20/11, "The lost decade," Claremont Institute, Angelo M. Codevilla


12/14/11, "Opponents in Philadelphia say bill on Sharia law unfair to Muslims," Newsworks, WHYY, T. MacDonald

"A bill in Harrisburg that opponents say is targeted against Muslims has followers of that faith upset.

House Bill 2029 would ban Pennsylvania courts from considering any foreign legal code or system that isn't identical with the Constitution. Muslim activists say that it is specifically targeted against the practice of Sharia Law--a religious code for Muslims that has the power of law in some countries. Council on American-Islamic Relations Attorney Amara Chaudhry says this

  • would block freedom of religious expression.

"This is not a new faith we are not a foreign faith and yes this dangerous, clearly stated discriminatory purpose on a publicly circulated document, you just don't get any more troubling than that," said Chaudhry.

Professor Khalid Blankinship of Temple University compares following Sharia to the Catholic teaching that divorce is not allowed.

"That would be like going into the Catholic Church and telling them that you can't marry people the way you want or saying you have to allow divorce of people even if the Pope ruled otherwise," said Blankinship.

State Representative Rosemarie Swanger of Lebanon County, who authored the bill, says it is designed to preserve rights of liberty that do not exist in some foreign legal systems. She has said recognizing foreign laws could allow women to be treated as second-class citizens. In a letter she sent to colleagues, Swanger called Sharia law

via wz

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