Thursday, December 1, 2011

Occupy Portland damages increase by $85,850 for park restoration

11/30/11, "Park restoration adds $85,850 in repairs due to Occupy Portland,"

"The cost of restoring the two parks after Occupy Portland was estimated at an additional $85,850, according to Portland Parks and Recreation.

The city said those costs are in addition to $45,000 in labor and materials spent during the encampments in Chapman and Lownsdale Squares starting October 6 and ending November 13, when police cleared out the protesters and squatters.

The bulk of those costs went to repairing the restrooms for $28,000, and repairing damaged turf and plants at nearly $16,000.

Photos: Squares before Occupy | Before and after eviction

Officials said they did not find any evidence of "obvious soil contamination" and that long-term effects on the trees would not be known until spring or later.

Fences will stay in place for the restoration work. So far, Umpqua Bank has donated $25,000 and nearly

  • 100 private contributors have donated $8,000.

People walking by the area Wednesday told KGW they were disappointed in the condition of the parks."...

via Lucianne

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