Friday, December 16, 2011

Obama diverts half billion US taxpayer dollars via executive authority, enacts much of Jobs Act voted down by congress

12/15/11, "Obama authorizes $511M in infrastructure spending," Washington Examiner, Joel Gehrke

President Obama authorized $511 million of infrastructure stimulus spending today under "We Can't Wait," the executive authority initiative that he launched to implement as much as possible the proposals he advocated in the American Jobs Act, which failed in Congress.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood "[took] action to get these grants out the door quickly," as the Department of Transportation (DOT) "accelerated the [grant] application review process," such that DOT announced the grants several months ahead of schedule. LaHood said that "the overwhelming demand for these grants clearly shows that communities across the country can’t afford to wait any longer for Congress to put Americans to work building the transportation projects that are critical to our economic future."

The $511 million will pay for 36 transportation projects in 33 states and Puerto Rico with a range of applications. "Projects are chosen for their ability to contribute to the long-term economic competitiveness of the nation, improve the condition of existing transportation facilities and systems, increase energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improve the safety of U.S. transportation facilities and enhance the quality of living and working environments of communities through increased transportation choices and connections," DOT explained. The programs funded ranged from freight and port upgrades to environmental spending, such as the $10,000,000 to "redevelop a historic blast furnace site" that will "connec[t] residents to an extensive network of
  • biking and walking paths"
and "bolste[r] the green economy" in the area.

The grants also have a stimulus aspect, as "the Department also gives priority to projects that are expected to create and preserve jobs quickly and stimulate increases in economic activity," according to the DOT statement.

You can see the full list of individual grants below."


via Lucianne

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