Friday, December 9, 2011

Obama 'climate' guy Todd Stern at UN/African money grab in Durban channels Jesus Christ at the Last Supper


12/9/2011, "Glimmer of hope at Durban as US supports EU climate change road map," The Australian

"THE first signs of a possible last minute compromise emerged in Durban last night when the lead United States negotiator gave some support to the proposed European Union "road map" for a new deal after he was publicly heckled on the floor of the UN climate change conference.

Obama administration chief negotiator Todd Stern, was not specific in his comments but said he wanted to dispel the widespread belief in Durban that the US was attempting to stall talks on a new agreement until after 2020.

Any new deal would have to include binding targets for the world's major emerging emitters, such as China and India.

Progress on a binding deal for all emitters is central to whether existing parties to the Kyoto protocol will extend their commitment to a second term.

China and India want developed nations to agree to a new commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol.

It is unlikely that major emitters, including China and Brazil, will agree to meaningful negotiations on a new agreement until at least after the release of the United Nation's updated report into climate change science due in 2013.

Mr Stern made his comments after his statement to delegates from more than 190 countries in Durban was disrupted by a 21-year-old student from the United States, Abigail Borah.

Criticising the US congress, Ms Borah said: "I'm scared for my future. 2020 is too late to wait."

"It is completely off base to suggest that the US is proposing that we delay action until 2020."

The Durban Climate change talks are due to conclude tonight."

  • Photo of Todd Stern AFP in Australian article. Other photo, Jesus Christ at The Last Supper


11/18/10, "UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'," NewsBusters, Noel Sheppard


US CO2 emissions only 16% of the world's though Obama and others demonize us as the worst.

12/8/11, "U.S. Rejection of CO2 Emission Cuts: Just Do the Math (16% and falling ….)," by Chip Knappenberger, MasterResource

"The just-released numbers for last year’s carbon dioxide emissions (not including land-use changes) show why forcing large cuts in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is not very high on the priority list of the U.S. powers-that-be (including voters).

In 2010, the total global CO2 emissions were the highest on record, ~9.1 PgC (33,400 million metric tons). The U.S. contribution was ~1.50PgC, about 16% of the global totalpercentage-wise the lowest on record (since 1959) and falling rapidly.

Unilateral U.S. CO2 mitigation strategies, in other words, are doomed to increasing irrelevance–and even unintended consequences should carbon rationing at home result
  • in industrial transfers to less regulated areas."...


Hillary Clinton channeling Jesus Christ at 2009 Copenhagen 'Climate' talks. photo from Washington Post, 12/18/09


via Lucianne, Climate Depot

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