Friday, December 23, 2011

Obama begs Brown-shirted school children to spend holidays persuading their 'stubborn' parents to vote for Obama

Obama tells kids 'home for the holidays' to do the tough job of convincing fogey parents and other relatives to vote for him (though many did the first time). Everyone knows grown-ups are racist anyway because Tom Brokaw said so: "Young people are much, much more colorblind than their elders are," said Tom Brokaw (beginning of MSNBC video).

12/22/11, "Obama campaign video encourages kids to be annoying this Christmas," Daily Caller, Chris Bedford

"The Obama 2012 campaign has a new video, “Home for the Holidays,” just in time for all the fresh-faced young folks to head home to their parents’ homes across the country.

The video features a diverse group of young’uns talking about their stubborn, old parents and grandparents, how they’re going to patiently affect their folks’ opinions over the holidays,

  • and how you too can do the same.

After all, Barack Obama, says one fohawked young man, “was the politician of my generation.” And as a young blonde girl adds, “I saw what Barack Obama stood for — I saw he was a peoples’ man.”

Their parents’ rap sheet is long and terrible, including a dad who voted for Bush twice, a 94-year-old grandma who has spent years saying “Ohh, Barack Obama!” in a mean way, and a dad who is stubborn and stuck in his ways.”

But fear not — through Skype, email, text messaging and Facebook — these old fogies can be brought to the Obama team.

It won’t be easy to break the conversation from the Christmas usuals — family, food, football, mass unemployment and skyrocketing debt —

6/3/2008, "NBC Anchors Get Choked Up About Obama Nomination," Gawker

Brokaw speaks at beginning of MSNBC tape.


We need brainwashed, dependent children to sell man-caused climate change to un-hip parents.

12/8/11, "The young and the restless: Kids sue government over climate change." Grist, Claire Thompson

"Kids...(are) trying to force the old folks into action, the American way:
  • They're suing the bastards."

Captive public school children have been forced to watch the fictitious Al Gore movie they think is real. Scared to death, they go home and try to convince their parents of man caused global warming:, 3/11/08, last sentence in article): ""I think the core idea here transcends politics," said (Major League Baseball executive John ) McHale. "This is very much in line with =================

10/3/2008, School children in military dress and form recite memorized propaganda about Obama beginning at :26, break into loud chanting, recite ObamaCare propaganda at 2:00.


Dec. 2009, "Are baby boomers to blame?" Good, New Zealand, Nick Potter

"Do baby boomers have more responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions than people under 40? Should they share more of the costs to cover damages from climate change? Are baby boomers willing to accept some responsibility
Younger people tend to be more open-hearted, more concerned about the state of our climate, and more active in turning this big ship called runaway climate change around. The youth-led 350 movement is a prime example....

Many older people, who are currently trying to hold onto power in our society, must learn to let go. They will not respond well to force. This would only increase their resistance. We therefore need to do everything we can to rapidly accelerate a process of helping people to let go. What are baby boomers clinging on to anyway? They are probably worried about their economic security. As the latest financial meltdown has shown though, our economic systems need to be overhauled anyway. Maybe they are also afraid to admit some guilt. Could it be painful to admit that

via Lucianne

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