Thursday, December 8, 2011

Obama and GOP to siphon more from US taxpayers to boost racist Islamic radical military in Libya

Obama fever to spend US tax dollars arming every illiterate, hate-filled man, woman, and child across the Middle East and Africa continues, fulfilling protege Samantha Powers' plan of a "mammoth protection force" in the Middle East (to put a stop to Israel).***

12/7/11, "U.S. in talks to help rebuild Libyan military," USA Today, Jim Michaels

"The United States is in discussions with Libya over ways to help rebuild the country's military, which the U.S. military considers essential to unify the country and bring rival militias under national control.

"We're looking for ways in which we can be helpful," said Gen. Carter Ham, commander of U.S. Africa Command. "They have to find some way to form a national army."

In an interview with USA TODAY in Washington, Ham said the discussions had not reached the level of agreeing to specific cooperation. If the two countries do establish a relationship, it would not be the scale of U.S. efforts to rebuild the militaries of Iraq and Afghanistan.

"We'd like, for example, to begin having Libyan officers come to U.S. staff colleges," he said, adding that

  • the United States could also sell Libya equipment and offer training....

Libya's military mostly disintegrated over the course of the revolt that began with protests in February. Some units defected to the rebel side, some fought alongside foreign mercenaries and indiscriminately bombed cities, and others broke under pressure from rebel forces and NATO airstrikes....

The new Libyan government is interested in maritime security, because of its long coastline, Ham said. That is also an area of defense in which the U.S. military can assist, he said....

Michael Rubin, a former adviser to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad, said military training would be a good way to prevent the militias roaming the country from disrupting the country....

Rubin said U.S. involvement would also create personal relationships with Libyan officers that would provide intelligence benefits and help prevent militant infiltration of the Libyan military by helping it institute background checks. ...

Ham said that some of the mercenaries who fought for Gadhafi might have brought weapons with them when they fled the country. There is "no hard evidence of that but my instinct tells me that's a pretty likely outcome," Ham said."


A recent Zogby poll in six Arab countries found Obama has driven anti-American sentiment even higher than it was under George Bush. (parag. 25 in article)

9/19/11, "How Obama's destabilizing the world", Nick Turse

"American troops are on the ground in an increasing number of volatile countries -- and they're making things worse"

"It's a story that should take your breath away: the destabilization of what, in the Bush years, used to be called "the arc of instability." It involves at least 97 countries, across the bulk of the global south, much of it coinciding with the oil heartlands of the planet. A startling number of these nations are now in turmoil, and in every single one of them -- from Afghanistan and Algeria to Yemen and Zambia -- Washington is militarily involved, overtly or covertly,

  • in outright war or what passes for peace.

Garrisoning the planet is just part of it. The Pentagon and U.S. intelligence services are also running covert special forces and spy operations, launching drone attacks, building bases and secret prisons, training, arming, and funding local security forces, and engaging in a host of other militarized activities right up to full-scale war. But while you consider this, keep one fact in mind: the odds are that there is no longer a single nation in the arc of instability

  • in which the United States is in no way militarily involved."....


8/30/11, "Libyans don't like people with dark skin, but some are innocent'," UK Independent, Patrick Cockburn

"Any black African can expect arrest without proof he was not part of Gaddafi's forces. Patrick Cockburn reports from Tripoli"...


2002 video: Samantha Power is asked what she might advise a president to do about the Israel-Palestine situation. At :52 she said necessary action "might mean alienating a domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial import..." As she mentions this fearsome "constituency," Power softly chuckles knowingly as if this is something everyone knows about. Continuing, she said it may mean investing billions not in servicing Israel's military but in the new state of Palestine,

  • and billions [of US tax dollars] to support "meaningful military presence," at 1:22,
  • "a mammoth protection force."***


Who but 'the Jews' could be the "domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial import" she chuckles about? Taxpayers of what country are to be enslaved in service of this "investment"?


3/25/11, "Mark Steyn: Do-gooders in a land with no good guys," Orange County Register

The Arab League, France, and UK volunteered US military for the job in Libya. Our military is no longer our military. Obama said:

""It is our military that is being volunteered by others to carry out missions that are important not only to us, but are important internationally." That's great news. Who doesn't enjoy volunteering other people?"And for a black holocaust.

Blacks have been fleeing Libya due to longtime ethnic cleansing. Now some are being caught, brutalized, and prevented from leaving. Even if they make it out of Libya they're starving, penniless refugees, thanks to Obama. African blacks have been chased by both Gaddafi and 'rebels'-everyone in Libya hates blacks. Estimated US taxpayer contribution to this range from $100 to $300 million dollars a week (item near end of article) to run a holocaust. GOP "leadership" eagerly agreed to finance crimes against humanity.

9/17/11, "Rampant racism – Black migrants barred from fleeing Libya," GlobalCiviliansforPeace
9/24/11, "NATO powers indifferent to Libyan refugees," Modern Ghana, Bill Van Auken

A pogrom "using humanitarianism as a pretext."
The idea that Gadaffi always favored blacks turns out not to be true:

3/18/11, "Border Blues," Think Africa Press by Ben Judah, reporting from the Tunisia side of the Libya-Tunisia border

"Libya bad for the black....” said a Malian arrival at the camp, “rebel chase us....Gadaffi chase us.”...Unconfirmed claims of tens of thousands of black Africans fleeing southwards into Niger and Chad have also been reported in the region."...

3/18/11, photo from Ben Judah, Border Blues, Think Africa Press, African blacks on the Tunisian side of the Libya-Tunisa border


7/7/11, "House vote lets Obama continue U.S. Libya deployment," Washington Times, Stephen Dinan

"The House on Thursday gave implicit approval to President Obama to continue his deployment of American military forces to support the NATO mission in Libya, turning back repeated efforts to end U.S. involvement."...


More on "R2P," "Responsibility to Protect"

3/23/11, "After Libya Intervention, Some ‘Responsibility to Protect’ Advocates Want to Turn Spotlight on Israel," CNS News. by Patrick Goodenough

via Lucianne

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