Friday, December 2, 2011

Former SEIU Pres. Andy Stern wishes US could have Communist Chinese economic model-Wall St. Journal Op-Ed

Elections are such a bother.

12/1/11, "China's Superior Economic Model," Wall St. Journal Op-ed by Andy Stern

"The free-market fundamentalist economic model is being thrown onto the trash heap of history."

"Mr. Stern was president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and
is now a senior fellow at Columbia University's Richman Center.".


It should be noted that information is highly regulated in Communist China-the real truth, real statistics about the place, are not knowable. What little IS known (eg, below, secret jailing and beatings of dissidents, bloggers) renders proponent/activists such as Andy Stern either comedians or criminally insane. This article says the behavior is expected to get WORSE. ed.

11/10/11, "
China "black jails" prompt fears of wider security crackdown," Reuters, James Pomfret

Despite international criticism, China has continued to run so-called "black jails" -- unlawful secret detention facilities used to hold critics and petitioners, where detainees are often subjected to beatings, sleep and food deprivation, as well as psychological abuse.

With President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao due to step aside for a new generation of leaders next year, the jockeying for power will likely see few liberal gestures, given the obsessive focus on preserving stability.

"There are very few people, particularly at senior levels of the government, that are in a mood to experiment or take risks or propose innovative new strategies for responding to dissent in a systematic way," said Richardson."...


12/2/11, "A Stern Vision of America," American Thinker, Jeffrey Folks


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