Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Euro-Republicans forget socialism has failed everywhere it's been tried, and communist countries have to shoot citizens to keep them from leaving

12/19/11, "GOP establishment," spolson Monday, December 19th at 9:59AM EST

"The old guard republicans have allowed us to get to this state of socialism by weakness, compromise and back room dealing. They talk a good fight but they cave.

Unless we find a way to marginalize them we will miss the last chance to peacefully regain our freedoms and prosperity.

No one is pointing out that socialism has failed everywhere it was tried and communism has to shoot it’s citizens to keep them from escaping. For some reason we have started to revere the Europeans. The history I have read says they are pompous fools who ignore war rattles and then call us to help them back. Aside from the royals they have about half the standard of living or less then we have had for centuries. They are arrogant and hateful. Stubborn and stupid. Tell me why we revere them again. Art, fashion, music, history. Their history is of oppression when ever the opportunity arose. Get off the Europe kick. It is stupid.

I hear nothing of the Tea party anymore only the [Occupy] protestors who want free money and stuff is all I can glean from their rhetoric."...

  • comment to post on RedState.com:

12/18/11, "House must decouple payroll tax from broader "Extenders" package," Daniel Horowitz, RedState.com


10/20/11, "The Lost Decade," Angelo M. Codevilla, Claremont Institute

"America's current ruling class, the people who lost the War on Terror, monopolizes the upper reaches of American public life, the ranks of those who make foreign and domestic policy, including the leadership of the Republican and Democratic parties. It is more or less homogeneous socially and intellectually. In foreign affairs, the change from the Bush to the Obama Administrations was barely noticeable. In domestic matters, the differences are more quantitative than qualitative. Dissent from the ruling class is rife among the American people, but occurs mostly on the sidelines of our politics. If there is to be a reversal of the ongoing defeats, both foreign and domestic, that have discredited contemporary America's bipartisan mainstream, heretofore marginal people will have to generate it, applying ideas and practices recalled from America's successful past."...


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