Saturday, November 12, 2011

World Bank has billions in carbon funds, launched first fund in 2000 with governments and businesses such as BP

The World Bank started preparing for UN carbon credit trading long ago and in 2000 launched its first fund. "Today it runs a family of carbon funds worth $2.5 billion the bank said in a report in 2010. In 2008 alone, carbon credit transactions amounted to close to $7 billion." The Bank recently issued a report admitting biofuels programs are killers and should be abandoned immediately. A World Bank or UN guy admitting global warming doesn't exist would end up with no job.

11/10/11, "Climate change to bring more floods: World Bank," AFP,, Hanoi

"Climate change will bring more floods and extreme weather to Southeast Asia, a World Bank official said on Thursday on a visit to the region, where hundreds have died in severe inundation.

What we are seeing is there are more floods, more extreme weather events, higher temperature, more variable rainfalls and we believe that is caused by the climate change.

And we should expect this to increase, sadly,” Andrew Steer, the World Bank’s special envoy for the climate change, told reporters in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi.

Thailand’s worst floods in half a century have killed 533 people and damaged the homes and livelihoods of millions around the country.
In the neighbouring Cambodia, the deadliest floods since 2000 have killed at least 247 people while more than
  • 100 have died in Vietnam, mostly in the southern Mekong Delta.
Steer, who cancelled plans to visit Thailand on his regional tour because of the disaster, said the floods there were “consistent with what we know to be true about climate change.”
The United Nations says climate change, fuelled by hydrocarbon-based energy systems,

Reuters photo
accompanies AFP article attempting to sell man-caused mass murder.
The World Bank is desperate. They created a "stock market" based on nothing and it's in trouble: "World Bank warns of 'failing' international carbon market," UK Guardian, 6/1/11

12/8/10, "March to keep World Bank out of climate finance," Climate Justice, Cancun

"Campaigners are furious that the World Bank is being promoted as the hub for climate finance. They insist that because the institution continues to bankroll dirty fossil fuel projects to the tune of $6.6 billion last year alone – they are in the wrong hands for the funds to fight climate change. They also cite the Bank’s recent history of imposing climate finance as loans, creating new debt for already impoverished countries, increasing the role of the private sector and imposing economic policy conditions that increase inequality." from Climate Justice

2/10/2009, "Wind Turbines in Europe Do Nothing for Emissions-Reduction Goals," Der Spiegel, Anselm Waldermann


11/14/10, "Climate policy distributes the world's new wealth," NZZ, am Sonntag, German press, interview with former co-chair of the UN IPCC Ottmar Edenhofer" a German economist.


UN environmental consultant says fraud in UN carbon trading can't be fixed, is interwoven in too many public and private sector jobs including the World Bank and the UN. And, "there is

  • nobody in that world that is critical of the process because
  • they are all making their living off it.”"...(item near end of article)
10/12/10, "A carbon trading system draws environmental skeptics," New York Times, Patricia Brett


12/1/10, "
EU Carbon permits missing from registry due to (computer) virus," Reuters, Nina Chestney

One million European carbon permits (valued at $19.54 million US) have gone missing from the Romanian subsidiary of cement company Holcim's (HOLN.VX) emissions registry account due to a computer virus,
  • the EU Commission said on Wednesday."...

10/3/11, "Carbon credits tarnished by human rights 'disgrace'," EurActiv, Arthur Neslen


In December 2008, an EU Renewable Energy Directive was passed, requiring each member state to meet 10% of its transport fuel needs from renewables, by 2020.

The directive also established sustainability criteria for biofuels, obliging the bloc to ensure at least 35% carbon emission savings from the biofuels compared to fossil fuels. That figure rises to 50% as of 2017 and 60% as of 2018.

However, concerns have been raised that increased biofuel [+]"...

10/3/11, "Honduran Deaths Trigger EU Carbon Credit Clash," New American, R. Terrell

"The Honduran farmers plight is frighteningly similar to the situation in Uganda, where government authorities evicted more than 20,000 people and destroyed their homes so another UN-accredited corporation, New Forests Company, could plant trees on their property. Planting those trees would allow New Forests to earn extra ERCs from the UN, which it can turn around and sell on the international market. Such greed is also the motive behind the violence in Honduras, prompting some EP members to call for rescinding Honduran carbon credits. The European Union is more tight-lipped about Uganda, possibly because New Forests Company is backed by the World Bank and the EU."...


10/28/11, "UK firm's failed biofuel dream wrecks lives of Tanzania villagers," UK Guardian, Damian Carrington

"The G20 meeting next week will discuss the issue, following a stark report it received in June from the

via Tom Nelson

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