Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nationwide voters continue to oppose ObamaCare 48%-40%, Quinnipiac Poll

Independent voters oppose ObamaCare 45-38%.

11/23/11, "Poll: Voters want court to kill Obama health care law," USA Today

"A new poll shows that most voters want the Supreme Court to overturn President Obama's health care law, with opposition and support falling largely along party lines.

Overall, voters oppose the law by 48%-40%, according to the Quinnipiac University survey. Democrats support the Obama health care effort by 70%-19%, while Republicans oppose it by 86%-8%.

The Quinnipiac survey found independent voters opposed to the law by 45%-38%.

Of course, voters won't decide the fate of the health care law in the Supreme Court -- that's up to the justices, and they are likely to make a ruling by late June.

Whatever the court's ruling, health care figures to be a major factor in next year's election. The Republican presidential candidates have vowed to repeal what they call "Obamacare.""


The establishment GOP loves ObamaCare and has no intention of repealing it should it come to that:

9/29/11, "Draft spending bill would defund Obama healthcare law," The Hill, Sam Baker

"House Republicans released a draft spending bill Thursday that would cut off funding for many parts of the healthcare reform law, though the bill remains deadlocked in the Appropriations Committee."...

via American Thinker

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