Wednesday, November 16, 2011

'Mainstream media knows Republicans crave their approval, think they're the smartest, the wisest, it's a big problem we face'--Rush Limbaugh

11/14/11, "Brooks: It's Romney or Bust," Rush, transcript

"(NY Times') Bill Keller is out there. He's the former editor, not just a columnist, and Bill Keller is out there saying Romney is the only guy that can beat Obama, which... They can all beat Obama! But they're trying to pick Romney. Keller's piece saying... See, the people in the mainstream media know that the Republicans crave their approval. The people in the mainstream media know that the Republicans think they're the smartest and the wisest. So the mainstream people, people like -- or media, people like Keller, I guarantee you it works this way, he'll do a story saying Romney can beat Obama. The purpose of that story is to nudge the Republicans toward nominating Romney, because the truth is the regime wants to run against Romney. But the Republicans won't see it that way. The establishment types will see it as Romney's the only guy....In fact, (NY Times' David) Brooks' quote on television Friday night in Washington, DC, was, "If Romney falters, the entire Washington establishment
  • goes into conniption fits."
I mention this only because you've got the New York Times pushing Romney now. Bill Keller pushing Romney: Romney's the only guy that can beat Obama. Here's David Brooks: "There's only one real candidate, that's Mitt Romney." But Brooks goes farther: "What if something happens to Romney? Gosh, it's a shame if they don't have Jeb Bush running, oh, my God! If it's not Romney and something happens we're gonna have to go outside and find somebody an immediate replacement, because if Romney falters, the entire Washington establishment goes into conniption fits," and I think we can take that to the bank. I think that
  • Washington establishment."...


10/11/11, "State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney," Rush Limbaugh transcript

"Our guys are still out, the Republican establishment is still totally interested and focused on what the mainstream media says about them. It’s one of the big problems that we face. The Republican establishment still craves the
  • approval, the relationship that they have with
  • the mainstream media.
The Republican leadership in the House and Senate both still use the mainstream media as their primary means of disseminating information. They think that the mainstream media
  • is still the power broker, still the power maker,
  • and they’re gonna go through them....
I do know that the Republican establishment is desperate for Romney to be the nominee and to have this wrapped up as soon as possible, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the reasons
  • why Christie’s going up there to Dartmouth
  • to endorse Romney today."...


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