Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Did Eric Deggans of the St. Petersburg Times object when Rep. Andre Carson said Tea Party wants to see blacks 'hanging on a tree'?

10/31/11, "As Herman Cain answers sexual harassment story can this black man ask: Enough with lynching talk?" Eric Deggans, St. Petersburg Times

The origin of the 'lynching' comparison originated with another black man, Clarence Thomas in a somewhat analogous situation to that of Herman Cain.

Political pundits did not dream up the term or its usage.

If you don't want such terms to be trivialized or misappropriated, did you object to what Indiana
8/31/11, "Rep. Andre Carson: Tea Party Wants To See Blacks ‘Hanging On A Tree’," ABC News, A. Bingham

"While Republican presidential candidates arrange and re-arrange their schedules in an attempt to court Tea Partiers, one House Democratic member of the Congressional Black Caucus is blasting the conservative group for trying to take America back to the days of Jim Crow.

In a video circulated Tuesday by conservative commentator Glen Beck’s website The Blaze, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson said the Tea Party was preventing African Americans from making progress toward equality.

This is the effort that we are seeing of Jim Crow. Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second class citizens. Some of them in Congress right now with this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me… hanging on a tree,” Carson said at a Aug. 22 Congressional Black Caucus Job Tour event in Miami."...


The left of center person can say anything but the right of center person can't. They're "overheated." Especially about media treatment. If someone observed and commented on media treatment of Obama, they're not allowed to notice Herman Cain isn't receiving the same treatment? Tom Brokaw, a very big guy in presidential politics, 5 days before Obama's election said he knew nothing about him except that he went to Harvard. One of many frightening examples of the media giving Obama a free pass.


10/30/2008, "Brokaw and Rose Admit They Don't Know Much About Obama."

Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose, video posted 11/1/2008, taped 10/30/08:

Charlie Rose notes we're coming into "what may be the most historic election of our time." He says what we know about Obama is primarily from his autobiography and 2 speeches. Rose asks esteemed journalist/opinion leader Tom Brokaw,

  • "What do you make of Barack Obama?"
Charlies Rose says, we've not have a real in depth discussion about foreign policy,
  • we don't know a lot about the universe of this thinking.
Brokaw: "We don't know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking. China has not been examined at all,
  • which is astonishing."...
Brokaw: "I don't know what books he's read."...


The media said to silence objection to Obama, "just call them racists:"

7/20/10, "JournoList: ‘Call Them Racists’ Is the Least Shocking Revelation," Big Journalism,

  • During the Obama campaign, they said the way
Althouse Journolist links

Did Deggans object when Obama himself called the Tea Party racist? Without substantiation? Thereby making the label official and slandering millions of innocent people who would have no opportunity to defend themselves. Many of whom voted for this person now calling them racist:

3/10/11, "Obama Calling Tea Party Racist Reveals A Far More Disturbing Reality," American Thinker, Lloyd Marcus

via Poynter.org/Romenesko

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