Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Use of sharia law upheld in Florida by state appeals court-Tampa Tribune

The Tampa Tribune doesn't use the word 'sharia,' instead uses the word 'islamic.'

10/25/11, "Use of Islamic law OK in civil case, judge rules," Tampa Tribune, by Jose Patino Girona

"A state appeals court has ruled that a Hillsborough County Circuit judge can consider Islamic law to decide a civil case between a mosque and its former trustees.

The decision by the 2nd District Court of Appeal in Lakeland to decline the appeal of the Islamic Education Center of Tampa sends the case back to Hillsborough County Circuit Judge Richard A. Nielsen. Nielsen's decision in March to allow the case to proceed under "ecclesiastical Islamic law" drew national attention when the ruling was criticized by conservative bloggers.

The case has its roots in 2002, when the mosque ousted four of its founding members; those founding members later sued the mosque. One of the main issues of dispute was who would be responsible for how to spend $2.5 million Florida's Turnpike Enterprise had paid the mosque for 3.4 acres needed to widen Veterans Expressway.

When he made his March ruling, Nielsen said courts have ruled "that ecclesiastical law controls certain relations between members of a religious organization, whether a church, synagogue, temple or mosque."

The uproar over the ruling went overboard, said Lee Segal, a Clearwater attorney representing the ousted trustees. He said the ruling follows established legal precedent and does not mean Nielsen is allowing Islamic law to trump U.S. law.

"When the parties agree (before the trial that) they are bound to Islamic law, they can be bound to Islamic law," Segal said. "As long as what you are agreeing to doesn't violate the constitution of the United States, you can apply any type of law."

Though the issue of Islamic law has garnered attention, the legal fight over the lawsuit is complicated, with much of it revolving around the arbitration process.

On Monday, Paul Thanasides, the attorney for the mosque, filed a new motion to dismiss the case because of lack of jurisdiction."


3/20/11, "'This case will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic Law'," American Thinker, Thomas Lifson


3/20/11, "Sharia law has come to Florida," RedState.com by Tom in Florida


2/4/11, "CPAC Honors Shark Tank for attacking conservatives?," Political Watchdog, Charles Robinson


CPAC is sponsored by the ACU which now includes Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers. (Isn't everybody?):

2/7/11, "The Muslim Brotherhood and the ACU," RedState.com, Ben Howe

"This is about the influence of radical Islam over the organization that puts CPAC together, the American Conservative Union’s (ACU) board of directors. Unfortunately, it has become apparent that there are Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers, apologists, and fundamentalists

  • sponsoring and speaking at the conference this weekend."...

3/20/11, "Taqiyya and American Education," American Thinker, Jed Gladstein

"Though its goal is destruction, it is characterized by deception rather than confrontation. It is called taqiyya.

Taqiyya is an Arabic word that refers to the practice of concealing from your enemy what is truly in your heart. [1]"...

8/28/11, "Ground Zero imam gives Scotland his recipe for successful multiculturalism," Herald Scotland, by Vicky Allan

"Greater integration between Islam and the West depends on the incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of the UK and the United States"


11/30/09, "'Honor killings' in USA raise concerns," USA Today, Oren Dorell


2/27/11, "NPR Insists Buffalo Wife's Beheading by Muslim Outreach TV Founder Has No Islamic Overtones," Newsbusters.org, Tim Graham

"You know, apparently, we're just too stupid. We just all think that all Muslims are bad."...


6/14/10, "Female Genital Cutting: Affecting Young Girls in America," ABC News


7/9/11, "The Insidious Kumbaya on American College Campuses," American Thinker, Ashraf Ramelah

"What will never be revealed is that the Muslim establishment has no intention of embracing Western democracy. Instead, the establishment will make a convincing feint, all the while using the very freedoms they wish to subvert --

via Weasel Zippers

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