Tuesday, October 25, 2011

UK opposition to EU rising, BBC hides seriousness of revolt, parasites and thugs might have to get jobs

10/25/11, "Bloody nose for Cameron: Massive rebellion on Europe... but he insists Britain will have to wait YEARS to claw back powers from Brussels," UK Daily Mail, Chapman, Shipman, and Groves

"David Cameron suffered the biggest-ever Tory rebellion on Europe last night.

More than half of his backbenchers defied him in a vote on a referendum on EU membership.

Eighty Tory MPs defied a three-line whip, the strongest possible party instruction on how to vote,

  • and another 17 abstained.

Thanks to Labour and Lib Dem MPs, the vote was defeated by 483 to 111.

But it was a worse mutiny on Europe than any suffered by Ted Heath, Margaret Thatcher or John Major,

  • and came after Mr Cameron told his MPs

that they might have to wait years before Britain claws back powers from Brussels.

The result will lead to a major post-mortem in Downing Street over how Mr Cameron came to suffer

  • such a grievous self-inflicted wound.

Colleagues are bewildered as to why the Prime Minister decided to put himself at the centre of a row with backbenchers over a symbolically important but ultimately meaningless vote which he was originally due to miss."...

Above inset about BBC also from UK Daily Mail


The UK is the engine that drives EU and UN global warming rackets. Its Met Office and ClimateGate scientists are at the center of UN climate claims which have been used to transform governments around the world. Gordon Brown said
"the carbon market" was key to the economic survival of London. David Cameron has been strongly on the side of the EU and UN. ed.

Honduran farmers alleged killed
  • by private climate militias, EurActiv
10/3/11, "Carbon credits tarnished by human rights 'disgrace'," EurActiv, Arthur Neslen

EurActiv: "Background:

In December 2008, an EU Renewable Energy Directive was passed, requiring each member state to meet 10% of its transport fuel needs from renewables, by 2020.

The directive also established sustainability criteria for biofuels, obliging the bloc to ensure at least 35% carbon emission savings from the biofuels compared to fossil fuels. That figure rises to 50% as of 2017 and 60% as of 2018.

However, concerns have been raised that increased biofuel


10/3/11, "Honduran Deaths Trigger EU Carbon Credit Clash," New American, R. Terrell

The Honduran farmers plight is frighteningly similar to the situation in Uganda, where government authorities evicted more than 20,000 people and destroyed their homes so another UN-accredited corporation, New Forests Company, could plant trees on their property. Planting those trees would allow New Forests to earn extra ERCs from the UN, which it can turn around and sell on the international market. Such greed is also the motive behind the violence in Honduras, prompting some EP members to call for rescinding Honduran carbon credits. The European Union is more tight-lipped about Uganda, possibly because New Forests Company
  • is backed by the World Bank and the EU."...

10/23/11, "David Cameron vows to reclaim EU powers amid looming Tory rebellion," UK Telegraph

via Drudge

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