Tuesday, October 18, 2011

UK military reveal Afghanistan war fuel must be delivered by road from Pakistan costing US taxpayers 10x price at destination-BBC

Another UN 'climate summit' is coming up so this BBC article says global warming is a threat to the military and world security. It cites the military's high 'carbon footprint,' that fuel in Afghanistan must be delivered by road from Pakistan which multiplies the price 10 fold. Paid by US taxpayers in their $6 billion/month tab for pedophiles, warlords, and cronies in Afghanistan. The BBC has no problem with 'war,' its expense or use of fuel.
BBC is owned by the UK government which relies heavily on global warming profits. Also the UK monarchy has arranged it so its financial survival depends on royalties and fees from global warming schemes. The BBC has no choice but to say AGW is a dire threat. To do otherwise could bring down the monarchy, ie cause it to run out of cash.

10/17/11, "Climate change 'grave threat' to security and health," BBC, Richard Black

"The military officers at the meeting also emphasised the interest that armed forces have in reducing their own carbon footprint.

In Afghanistan, for example, fuel has to be delivered by road from Pakistan.

By the time it reaches its destination, it can cost 10 times the pump price. And the

  • convoys are regularly targeted by opposing forces.

Several officers admitted that armed forces were "the gas-guzzlers of the world" - and while that was sometimes necessary in operations, reducing fossil fuel use and adopting renewables wherever possible made sense from economic

  • and tactical points of view.

Rear Admiral Morisetti recalled that when commanding an aircraft carrier, it took a gallon of oil to move just 12 inches (30cm), while as many as 20 tonnes per hour were burned during a period of intensive take-off and landing.

"You can do that [with oil prices at] $30 a barrel, but not at $100 or $200," he said."...


Also from the BBC article:

"Last week, multinational coffee house Starbucks warned that climate change threatened the world's coffee supplies in 20-30 years' time."...


10/13/10, "Afghan firms "pay off Taliban with foreign [American] cash," Reuters

"Subcontractors are impossible to trace."...

7/25/11, "U.S. trucking funds end up in Taliban hands," Reuters


9/25/11, "Government by crime syndicate," LA Times, Op-ed, Sarah Chayes


10/25/10, "Queen set to earn millions from windfarm expansion," UK Independent, Andy McSmith


12/31/10, "One's in the money! Why Prince Charles's secret 20-year campaign could make him the richest king in history," UK Daily Mail, G. Levy


An EU official said, "including human rights in the criteria for assessing (UN) CDM projects would be "very difficult". Honduran murders follow displacement of 20,000 Ugandans and destruction of their homes by an EU and World Bank backed "climate" venture slated for profits from the UN climate program. Photo, "Inconvenient Farmers:"

Honduran farmers alleged killed by private climate militias, EurActiv

10/3/11, "Carbon credits tarnished by human rights 'disgrace'," EurActiv, Arthur Neslen

EurActiv: "Background:

In December 2008, an EU Renewable Energy Directive was passed, requiring each member state to meet 10% of its transport fuel needs from renewables, by 2020.

The directive also established sustainability criteria for biofuels, obliging the bloc to ensure at least 35% carbon emission savings from the biofuels compared to fossil fuels. That figure rises to 50% as of 2017 and 60% as of 2018.

However, concerns have been raised that increased biofuel



10/3/11, "
Honduran Deaths Trigger EU Carbon Credit Clash," New American, R. Terrell

The Honduran farmers plight is frighteningly similar to the situation in Uganda, where government authorities evicted more than 20,000 people and destroyed their homes so another UN-accredited corporation, New Forests Company, could plant trees on their property. Planting those trees would allow New Forests to earn extra ERCs from the UN, which it can turn around and sell on the international market. Such greed is also the motive behind the violence in Honduras, prompting some EP members to call for rescinding Honduran carbon credits. The European Union is more tight-lipped about Uganda, possibly because New Forests Company
  • is backed by the World Bank and the EU."...


2/9/11, "UK's Prince Charles blasts climate-change skeptics," AP
10/24/10, "Queen's £38m a year windfarm windfall," This is money,

"The EU has told Britain it must generate more of its energy needs from renewable sources. But critics say the plan to increase Britain's dependence on green energy is flawed and could leave homes and business suffering routine power cuts within five years.

Sir Martin Holdgate, former chief scientist at the Department for the Environment, said: 'There is pressure to act on climate change. But when you look at the cost per unit, it is a rather expensive way of providing electricity.'

In its latest accounts, the Crown Estate says that its offshore windfarm business is 'experiencing exponential growth and we expect it to provide a significant source of total income in the next ten years'.

Revenue to the Estate from the windfarms rose by 44% last year to a 'low base' of £2.6m."...


7/9/11, "Power bills to soar by 30% in 'green’ reforms," Telegraph UK, R. Mason and D. Barrett

"Costly new incentives to encourage energy companies to invest in renewable power sources such as wind farms will put an extra £160 a year on the average household bill over the next 20 years.

The huge rise is on top of drastic increases in bills being faced already by consumers. Last Friday British Gas, which posted profits of £742million last year, announced gas price rises of 18 per cent, which followed Scottish Power saying it would increase rises of 10 to 15 per cent."...


10/24/10, "'It is wholly inappropriate that the Palace should have such a direct interest in a subject like windfarms, given Prince Charles's obsession with renewable energy. It raises the question as to whether he is seeking to increase his own

each time he makes a favourable reference to wind power.'"


In plain English from George Soros:

12/4/09,"Carbon Capitalists warming to climate market using derivatives" Bloomberg News

"George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund operator, says money managers would find ways to manipulate cap-and-trade markets. “The system can be gamed,” Soros, 79, remarked.... “That’s why financial types like me like it --

  • because there are financial opportunities.""...

"A victim of a famine machine that is entirely man-made...by greens."... 12/28/10,
"...Fresno, Calif., stands as the de facto capital of California's mighty Central Valley, the breadbasket of America." But

2/21/11, "Green economy needs 2% of every nation's income, says UN," UK Guardian, Fiona Harvey

7/16/10, "Carbon Trading Used as Money-Laundering Front," Jakarta Globe


10/8/10, "Murder on the Carbon Express: Interpol Takes On Emissions Fraud,"
Mother Jones, M. Schapiro


11/14/10, "Climate policy distributes the world's new wealth,"
NZZ, am Sonntag, German press, interview with former co-chair of the UN IPCC Ottmar Edenhofer" a German economist.


UN environmental consultant says fraud in UN carbon trading can't be fixed, is interwoven in too many public and private sector jobs including the World Bank and the UN. And,
there is
  • nobody in that world that is critical of the process because they are all making their living off it.”"...
10/12/10, "A carbon trading system draws environmental skeptics," New
York Times, Patricia Brett


12/1/10, "EU Carbon permits missing from registry due to (computer) virus," Reuters, Nina Chestney

"One million European carbon permits (valued at $19.54 million US) have gone missing from the Romanian subsidiary of cement company Holcim's (HOLN.VX) emissions registry account due to a computer virus,
  • the EU Commission said on Wednesday."...

Christian Science Monitor, 4/20/10,
"Buying Carbon offsets may ease eco-guilt but not global warming," by Doug Struck


1/29/11, "In China, the true cost of Britain's clean, green wind power experiment: Pollution on a disastrous scale," UK Daily Mail

1/25/10, "
Don't let the carbon market die," UK Guardian, Oliver Tickell

In 2007
UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the carbon market was key

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