Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thanks to pathetic House GOP 'leadership' for spending $2 billion taxpayer dollars on UN/Obama liberation of Islamic killers in Libya

10/20/11, "Biden reacts to Gadhafi news," CNN Politicker, R. Streitfeld

Joe Biden: ""In this case America spent two billion dollars total and didn't lose a single life. This is more the prescription for how to deal with the world as we go forward than it has been in the past," Biden said.
  • "So this is an example of how the world is beginning to work together a little bit better."" (last parag.)

9/17/11, "Rampant racism – Black migrants barred from fleeing Libya," GlobalCiviliansforPeace

The Arab League, France, and UK volunteered US military for the job, per Obama: ""It is our military that is being volunteered by others to carry out missions that are important not only to us, but are important internationally." Great news. Why not further divert American time and effort expended in a depression, weakening a non-existent economy? And to Islamic killers and a black holocaust no less.

Blacks have been fleeing Libya due to longtime ethnic cleansing. Some are being caught, brutalized, and prevented from leaving. Even if they make it out of Libya they're starving, penniless refugees, thanks to Obama. African blacks have been chased by both Gaddafi and 'rebels'-everyone in Libya hates blacks. Estimated US taxpayer contribution to this ranges from $100 to $300 million dollars a week (item near end of article) for savages to run a holocaust.
9/24/11, "NATO powers indifferent to Libyan refugees," Modern Ghana, Bill Van Auken

"The same NATO countries that have waged war on Libya in the name of “protecting civilians” have given “an abysmal response to the plight” of refugees during this conflict,

  • Amnesty International charged in a report released Tuesday.

The report calls urgent attention to the conditions facing some 5,000 refugees and asylum seekers who are stranded at squalid encampments on the borders with Tunisia and Egypt. Forced to flee violence in Libya—just as many of them had been forced to flee their home countries for refuge in Libya—

  • they are no longer allowed to go anywhere else.
In addition to killing and wounding tens of thousands of Libyans and leaving much of the country's infrastructure in ruins, the US-NATO war launched last March has proven a catastrophe for the estimated 1.5 million to 2.5 million foreign-born workers who were living and working in Libya when the war began.

The majority have fled the country, losing their livelihoods and facing extreme hardship. For many thousands, however, escape has proven thus far impossible.

At least 1,500 of these workers are believed to have lost their lives trying to flee Libya by boat. NATO, which has deployed a naval armada off the Libyan coastline, was charged with refusing to rescue people who drowned or died of thirst or starvation while trying to make the crossing to Europe.

The majority of these workers came to Libya in search of work from poorer countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan.

They, along with black-skinned Libyans, have been targeted by the NATO-backed “rebels” for violent assaults, imprisonment and lynchings based on the spurious charge that Colonel Muammar Gaddafi used Sub-Saharan African mercenaries to defend his regime.

The US and the European powers that conducted the war against Libya have turned a blind eye to these racist pogroms, while celebrating the supposed dawn of a new “democracy” and lining up to secure a bonanza in oil and reconstruction contracts."...

Needless to say, President Barack Obama made no mention of these atrocities in a speech delivered Tuesday to a “friends of Libya” meeting convened at the United Nations in New York City. He spoke only of a new Libya that would be “free and democratic and prosperous,” and about Washington's determination “to build new partnerships to help unleash Libya's extraordinary potential.”...

The report also aptly notes that these same European powers had aligned themselves previously with the Gaddafi regime, in part because of its promise to “stem the flow of people arriving in Europe from Africa.”

The report underscores the hypocrisy of the claims made by Washington, London and Paris that the war they waged to overthrow the Gaddafi regime in Libya was motivated by a concern to “protect civilians.” The hostility and indifference toward the refugees squeezed out of the country by NATO bombardments and racist violence is emblematic of an imperialist war that has used “humanitarianism” as a pretext for the conquest of an oil-rich North African country."


The R2P/UN doctrine is carried out by Obama and the GOP.

4/5/11, " Obama goes to war, the US left goes awol," UK Guardian, Clancy Sigal

"Once again, liberals have bought into American power as a force for good. But it's just another ugly, expensive war we now own"

"Liberal hawks never seem to learn that you can't get healthcare, decent schools and less unemployment by bombing smaller nations. Military adventures trump domestic rehab every time."...

The report underscores the hypocrisy of the claims made by Washington, London and Paris that the war they waged to overthrow the Gaddafi regime in Libya was motivated by a concern to “protect civilians.” The hostility and indifference toward the refugees squeezed out of the country by NATO bombardments and racist violence is emblematic of an imperialist war that has used “humanitarianism” as a pretext for the conquest of an oil-rich North African country."


3/25/11, "Mark Steyn: Do-gooders in a land with no good guys," Orange County Register

"It is tempting and certainly very easy to point out that Obama's war (or Obama's "kinetic military action," or "time-limited, scope-limited military action," or whatever the latest ever more preposterous evasion is) is at odds with everything candidate Obama said about U.S. military action before his election. And certainly every attempt the president makes to explain his Libyan adventure is either cringe-makingly stupid ("I'm accustomed to this contradiction of being both a commander-in-chief but also somebody who aspires to peace") or alarmingly revealing
  • of a very peculiar worldview:

"That's why building this international coalition has been so important," he said the other day.

  • "It is our military that is being volunteered by others to carry out missions

that are important not only to us, but are important internationally."

That's great news. Who doesn't enjoy volunteering other people?"...


7/7/11, "House vote lets Obama continue U.S. Libya deployment," Washington Times, Stephen Dinan

"The House on Thursday gave implicit approval to President Obama to continue his deployment of American military forces to support the NATO mission in Libya, turning back repeated efforts to end U.S. involvement."...


More on "R2P," "Responsibility to Protect"

3/23/11, "After Libya Intervention, Some ‘Responsibility to Protect’ Advocates Want to Turn Spotlight on Israel," CNS News. by Patrick Goodenough

"As the United Nations-backed concept known as “responsibility to protect” enjoys renewed prominence because of the crisis in Libya, a critic of Israel has
  • launched a fresh bid to make a case for outside intervention on behalf of the Palestinians.

Richard Falk, the U.N.’s “special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories,” said in a report delivered to the Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday that Israeli policies amount to “ethnic cleansing” and “crimes against humanity.”

Falk’s use of the terms was significant, as they are two of four specified criteria in “responsibility to protect,” the doctrine calling for international humanitarian intervention when diplomacy fails.

Although he did not use the phrase “responsibility to protect” in his report, Falk is a keen advocate of the concept, and has argued that no situation in the world is more applicable for intervention under the doctrine than that of the Gaza Strip."...


Below, George Bush burned in effigy for going to war, Nov. 2004

Bush effigy via

via Weasel Zippers

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