Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sudan's 'this is Sharia' Bashir gave military support to same Libyan 'rebels' US taxpayers did, Bashir also approved brutal sharia flogging of woman

"If she is lashed according to Sharia law, there is no investigation
. Why are some people ashamed? This is Sharia," the (Sudan) president (Bashir) said. 12/19/10, BBC

10/26/11, "Sudan armed Libyan rebels, says President Bashir," BBC

"Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir says his country gave military support to the Libyan rebels who overthrew Col Muammar Gaddafi.

In a speech broadcast live on state television, Mr Bashir said the move was in response to Col Gaddafi's support for Sudanese rebels three years ago.

Sudan and Libya have had a complicated and frequently antagonistic relationship for many years....

President Bashir said the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), a Darfuri rebel group, had attacked Khartoum three years ago using Libyan trucks, equipment, arms, ammunition and money.

He said God [Allah] had given Sudan a chance to respond, by sending arms, ammunition and humanitarian support to the Libyan revolutionaries.

"Our God [Allah], high and exalted, from above the seven skies, gave us the opportunity to reciprocate the visit," he said.

"The forces which entered Tripoli, part of their arms and capabilities, were 100% Sudanese," he told the crowd.

His speech was well received by a large crowd in the eastern Sudanese town of Kassala....

Mr Bashir's remarks show a desire to forge firm links with Libya's new government. But the easy availability of weapons in Libya, and that country's porous border with Darfur, are also of great concern to the Sudanese authorities."


12/19/10, "Sharia law to be tightened if Sudan splits - president," BBC

"The north of Sudan will reinforce its Islamic laws if the south secedes as a result of next month's referendum, President Omar al-Bashir has said.

Mr Bashir said the constitution would then be changed, making Islam the only religion, Sharia the only law and Arabic the only official language....

"If south Sudan secedes, we will change the constitution," Mr Bashir told a gathering of his supporters in the eastern town of Gederef on Sunday.

"Sharia and Islam will be the main source for the constitution, Islam the official religion and Arabic the official language," the president added.

The imposition of Sharia on the non-Muslim south was one of the reasons for the long civil war, which ended when a peace deal was signed in 2005....

Separately, Mr Bashir also commented on a recent high-profile case in which a video posted on the internet showed
  • a woman being flogged by police in the north.

"If she is lashed according to Sharia law, there is no investigation. Why are some people ashamed? This is Sharia,"

Bill Kristol, George Bush, Obama, Donald Rumsfeld, and Soros all agree this woman- flogging, pedophile worshiping piece of crap is a great example of "democracy," the urge of the human spirit to be 'free.' And good Americans must humbly subjugate ourselves to this 'fight' for democracy around the globe. "As long as it takes," George Bush will say til the end. "USA, USA," Republicans duped into believing this is patriotism will say til the end. ed.


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