Monday, October 31, 2011

Media who called you 'racist' for questioning anything about Obama now bashing Herman Cain, Update: NPR bashes Cain Mon. AM


UPDATE: I heard NPR Morning edition (Mon. 10/31), tuned in about 6:13AM and they were in full analysis of Herman Cain accusation--this was as big as the Japan nuclear disaster to the NPR people-- with Inskeep and Politico's Martin, said this is just the kind of thing that comes up in politics, made a point of saying his campaign didn't deny it, fudged around about it later after being prepped by AP. Then Cokie Roberts came on, dripping with condescension and all-knowingness. Her main point, it was only a matter of time before something like this would happen, Cain has never run for office before, this kind of thing always happens to people who haven't run before. She makes the assumption for American voters it's all over for Cain. She probably does echo the NPR view that they desperately want Romney to be the candidate because he'll run exactly like McCain did. "This always happens, voters always find out about untested candidates" and it just doesn't work out. You have to go with a tested candidate (translation: Romney). The segment ended around 6:20. They could still be talking about Cain, I'm just not listening at the moment. No one mentioned his race but there was one passing reference to Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill. Also, she said "independent voters in states like Florida don't want to hear someone who doesn't believe in global warming" (among other topics). I've lived in Florida recently. The massive global warming fraud found many corrupt politicians in Florida including the Jeb Bush era. Florida is a state filled with poor people. This problem has been exacerbated by the global warming cartel which has siphoned billions if not trillions from the people of Florida in as many different scams one could imagine. ed.


Where are JournoList'ers saying, "Call Them Racists" when Herman Cain is criticized?

on behalf of the Obama campaign? Why don't they offer the same message to


10/30/11, from Instapundit

"FOR HERMAN CAIN, a high-tech lynching? Well, the press didn’t spend much time looking into the past of the last black guy who looked like he might be President,

Taped 4 days before the election, Tom Brokaw admitted all he knew about Obama
  • is that he went to Harvard. ed.
10/30/2008, "Brokaw and Rose Admit They Don't Know Much About Obama."

Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose, video posted 11/1/2008, taped 10/30/08:

Charlie Rose notes we're coming into "what may be the most historic election of our time." He says what we know about Obama is primarily from his autobiography and 2 speeches. Rose asks esteemed journalist/opinion leader Tom Brokaw,

  • "What do you make of Barack Obama?"
Charlies Rose says, we've not have a real in depth discussion about foreign policy,
  • we don't know a lot about the universe of this thinking.
Brokaw: "We don't know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking. China has not been examined at all,
  • which is astonishing."...
Brokaw: "I don't know what books he's read."...



7/20/10, "JournoList: ‘Call Them Racists’ Is the Least Shocking Revelation," Big Journalism,

  • During the Obama campaign, they said the way


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