Monday, October 31, 2011

Lloyd Marcus stunned when Ann Coulter endorsed Romney, sees 'fearful intellectual conservative syndrome' and forgetting Nov. 2010 elections

"A Herculean effort" will be required to remove ObamaCare, one which Romney is incapable of mustering.

10/31/11, "Fearful Intellectual Conservative Syndrome," Lloyd Marcus, American Thinker

"I was stunned when conservative author Ann Coulter endorsed Mitt Romney for president. I love Ann. I even named her in my tribute song honoring Conservative women, "Our Girls."

Why would one of my conservative heroes select a liberal-lite to run against the Mike Tyson of political opponents? No, I am not suggesting that Obama would bite off the ear of our presidential candidate, but Obama is a Chicago-style, no-holds-barred politician. If your opposition brings a political stick, you bring a political gun. That's the Chicago Way.

As chairman of the, I have taken heat from folks on our side angry because of our ad exposing Romney's liberal choices and tendencies....

Obamacare is an Obama-nation in regards to freedom. If implemented, Obamacare will end America as we know it. A Herculean effort will be required to repeal Obama's evil socialistic mega-control monstrosity.

  • Can we trust Romney to go "all in" to repeal Obamacare?

Intimidated, fearful intellectual conservatives say that Obama has the bully pulpit of the White House, the majority of the media, and a billion dollars on his side for re-election. In essence, they believe that we have lost our country. They believe that a majority of Americans are infected with entitlement mindsets and class envy disease. Obama's media-manipulated, ill-informed infected zombies are going to vote for the guy (Obama) who promises freebies and vows to punish the rich.

Driven by fear, the game plan of our smart conservative gurus is to offer a liberal-lite candidate who will also promise freebies, but not so irresponsibly -- who will punish the rich, but not so severely.

I believe that these conservative colleagues are suffering from Fearful Intellectual Conservative Syndrome.

Intellectuals in our party such as Coulter and others are rallying around Romney because they fear that America will not elect a pedal-to-the-metal true conservative. They believe that we need a liberal-lite to defeat Obama....

From national to local elections, solid conservatism was a huge winner in 2010. Since then, the pain, suffering, and economic bleeding caused by Obama and his agenda has intensified. Thus, the referendum against him will be far more prominent in 2012. It is crucial that we exploit this golden opportunity to challenge Obama ideologically by selecting a true conservative presidential candidate.

While the Democrats, by far, have been the major offenders, liberalism in both parties has been taking us down the road to destruction for years. In 2012, with a true conservative Republican presidential candidate leading the charge, we can begin taking America back from both parties -- pointing her in the right direction on the road to recovery.

We did the "liberal-lite thing" in '08 and lost. Remember a guy named John McCain? So why on earth would we go there again?

We know the drill. Here is the play-by-play. The lib media and Republican elite convince all the "smart people" on our side that only a reasonable "moderate" like Romney can possibly beat Obama. So, out of fear, we select Romney as our 2012 presidential nominee.

Upon Romney officially winning the Republican nomination, the lib media turns on him. Suddenly, they declare Romney a Mormon religious nut. They release all kinds of stories about how electing Romney would

  • equal the personification of evil in the White House."...


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