Thursday, October 20, 2011

Convicted felon George Soros co-hosts star studded Manhattan gala to help defeat Scott Brown, elect Elizabeth Warren in Mass.

"Soros...was listed on the invitation as one of the supporters on Warren’s finance committee."...

10/20/11, "Stars shine on Elizabeth Warren," Boston Herald, Battenfeld

"Elizabeth Warren’s Senate campaign has been fueled largely by donations from outside Massachusetts — places like Beverly Hills, the Silicon Valley and New York, where Warren held a fund-raiser last night co-hosted by billionaire investor George Soros.

Warren’s campaign raised an impressive $3.15 million from July through September, but just $974,000 — or 31 percent — came from donors in the Bay State, according to her campaign.

Nearly 70 percent of her fund- raising came from out-of-state donors, including Hollywood stars like Barbra Streisand, and out-of-state political action committees....

The Harvard Law professor has tried to appeal to middle-class voters by showcasing her “hardscrabble” roots growing up in Oklahoma, even joking that she wants to start a “Hicks for Elizabeth” club.

But if Warren wants to get the “hick” vote, she’s looking in the wrong places right now.

Among Warren’s donors are a member of the Rockefeller family, Wendy Rockefeller, who is married to the great-grandson of John D. Rockefeller; a member of Hollywood royalty, Streisand; and numerous others in the entertainment industry, including musician Herb Alpert and director actor Ron Howard.

Warren also got a lot of money from academia, including a number of $2,500 donations from college professors in places like Princeton, N.J.

Warren’s powerful donor list shows just how important Democrats consider the race to unseat Republican Scott Brown....

Soros, a controversial billionaire known for his generous donations to liberal causes, was listed on the invitation as one of the supporters on Warren’s finance committee.

Also co-sponsoring the fund-raiser was Emily’s List, which has already collected nearly $200,000 for Warren’s campaign."


10/19/11, "Elizabeth Warren stumps for cash in Manhattan," Boston Herald, Chabot

"And while U.S. Sen. Scott Brown has $10 million in the bank, that didn’t stop him from holding his own fundraiser packed with Washington D.C. insiders on Tuesday night."

Good luck with the lobbyists and 'insiders,' Scott. ed.

via Free Republic

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