Friday, October 7, 2011

After 10 years and over $100 billion US taxpayer dollars, the 'war' in Afghanistan yields Afghan border police marrying 8 year old girl

"More than half of all Afghan girls are married before they reach age 15." Of course, another 20 or 30 years, everything will be fine. Republicans cheer, "USA, USA."

10/7/11, "Making Afghanistan Safe for Sharia - Child Brides Division," American Thinker, Andrew Bostom

"As reported by the London Evening Standard, (hat tip Religion of Peace) to its own self-described "shock" (despite the commonality of the practice -- i.e., notwithstanding the civil law against child brides, more than half of all Afghan girls are married before they reach age fifteen), a decade after British troops entered this chronically war-torn Muslim backwater, the publication (emphasis added):

" ... has uncovered shocking evidence of an eight-year-old girl who was married off to a policeman for cash. She was sold to the officer, in his twenties, in clear breach of laws introduced two years ago to protect women. She was then the subject of a remarkable battle that symbolises the plight of girls in Afghanistan. Her story vividly highlights the failure to bring about social reforms in the stricken nation, despite the long presence of British forces. It is revealed ahead of tomorrow's 10th anniversary of the first air strikes on Afghanistan and is a grim reminder of how once-high hopes for democracy, modern justice and social progress there have been dashed.

The child was sold to a member of the Afghan border police, a state employee, within the past year by her father in the southern Helmand district of Garmsir. A price was agreed with the father and the marriage was duly solemnized in a ceremony with a mullah. This was against Afghan state law on marriage but the ceremony gave legitimacy and status in the eyes of the communities and the families."...

That's because Muhammad married Aisha at age 6 or 7 (which is consistent with her playing with dolls during the "marriage") and "consummated" the marriage when she was nine, according to Islam's two most trusted and "canonical" hadith collections. The practice thus becoming "sacralized" as per Islam's totalitarian, cloacal system of

  • religio-political "law," the sharia."...
(The 8 year old girl was sexually abused by the 'husband,' then removed from the home. She was soon returned to the husband as he paid the girl's father more money. This matter was known to the US because a US Marine doctor examined the girl and found her to have been "interfered with" (sexually abused). US taxpayer paid personnel allowed the girl to go back to the animal in violation of local civil law. The US chose sharia. ed.)

(continuing, AT): "The awful plight of this 8-year-old Afghan child was then compounded by an almost fittingly tragic and bizarre (to Westerners, or anyone of modern sensibilities) "custody battle" -- resolved, of course, with the appropriate Islamic remedy, imposed by Muslim arbiters. Robert Fox, defense correspondent for London Evening Standard provides these further unsettling details (emphasis added):

  • "It was agreed in the deal that the groom would not have sex with the bride until she had passed puberty. Under current law, the legal lower age for marriage is 16.
  • After a few months, the father returned to the bridegroom's family to complain. In breach of the contract, the husband had attempted sex with the child bride.
  • The public prosecutor and the Haquq, the local arbitrator and a key figure in community justice in Afghanistan, were requested to consider a prosecution against the abusive husband. "The child was taken into custody," said my source, a governance adviser from the international community. "
  • "She was examined by a US Marine doctor and was found to have been interfered with." [Note: A rather transparent euphemism for sexual abuse] At this point, the authorities decided this was a matter not for the law of Afghanistan but community and tribal custom."

Unsurprisingly (again, emphasis added):

The village elders decided that the husband had breached the agreement and so should pay the bigger bride price demanded by the father. They also ruled the child should return to her husband, whatever the risk to her health, happiness and even life."


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